Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Exactly. The big problem with LLMs is that they’re so good at mimicking understanding that people forget that they don’t actually have understanding of anything beyond language itself.

    The thing they excel at, and should be used for, is exactly what you say - a natural language interface between humans and software.

    Like in your example, an LLM doesn’t know what a cat is, but it knows what words describe a cat based on training data - and for a search engine, that’s all you need.

  • True. While it’s definitely more secure than their other 2FA offering (storing them with your passwords), it’s still the same developers making both - so it still feels like putting all my eggs in one basket.

    For IOS I can see this as a valid option, because unless you are willing to trust Microsoft, Google, or Authy with your 2FA, which I personally don’t think one should, then you haven’t got too many options.

    But on Android there are plenty others that are known to be reliable, Aegis for example, so the value proposition is lessened for me at least.