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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • There is nothing you can do about the unsuccessful logins to your email address. My original email address has been in so many hacks and it’s always being brute forced by hackers outside the US.

    You already have MFA, so the only other thing I can think of is to have an incredibly long random password on your account and make sure the “forgot my password” recovery flows don’t have any easy way to bypass. Things like another email address as a backup that’s less secure, being able to guess your personal details based on past hacks, easily guessable/researchable security questions (make these random or nonsensical if possible, or don’t put details from security questions in social media) could be used to gain access, even with MFA. And finally, secure your password manager in a similar manner.

  • Most formal cleaning companies will do a deep cleaning to form a clean baseline, or let you add on extras per session to address when you need. Usually it’s hourly based with a minimum time requirement. If you don’t need them to do something, it might work out to be cheaper if doing it would have put you over the minimum time.
    If you find a self employed cleaning person, they are more likely to be more flexible and able to handle the odd tasks like tidying up or handling laundry. Maybe even help organize or do other routine tasks that you don’t have the bandwidth for.

  • FFXIV handles it “okay”, in that you get a large portion of glam in game and the cash shop stuff is largely excess. There are a few cases where it would have been better to have the reward in game, but for the most part I feel like I can play the game without needing to buy anything.
    The impression the community gets is the cash shop is a begrudging feature that SE higher ups mandate to keep cash flow going (because XIV is funding most of SE’s other projects)

  • What happens when a chemist tries to cook.
    Sodium citrate is pretty easy to find online and can go in all kinds of cheese sauces. You can even use it to make a stovetop mac and cheese with your favorite cheeses that won’t get goopy or oily. The other chemical Nile used isn’t really needed, it’s probably more so it holds together into the sheet shape for mimicking singles.
    Another alternative to getting sodium citrate is to add American cheese to your cheese blends. Not singles, but deli counter/block cheese. It’s enough to smooth out sauces made from other cheeses.

  • Thanks for your reply! Those are all really good points and I range from agreeing completely or understanding wholeheartedly why you feel the way you do about the issue.

    Japan’s approach to romance tropes, especially with school age people, is problematic at best. Maybe as a teen I would have fallen head over heels for it and loved most of it (except Kawakami’s plot, yuck), but I definitely had to mentally distance myself from it because it felt weird to even interact with as an adult. At least most of them progress as friends and only turn into relationships at the end (most… bleh). I don’t even remember which romance I might have picked for the final companion step, maybe I skipped the commitment altogether. A part of me fully expects P6 to do something similar and I’m less enthusiastic about that part of the game as a result.

    I never thought of the UI being difficult to read and concentrate with, but I totally get it now that you’ve mentioned it. There were definitely times I had a harder time navigating menus because of how much the background moved during transitions. The design itself was committed in every aspect, but the devs could have done more to normalize some of the text or add options to tweak the animations to be less dizzying while still being visually diverse.

    I need to try P3 and P4 still, they are in my backlog and I never feel the initiative to start one of them. Your remark about P5 dumbing down some of the features of those games is a little inspiring because I did like the combat and options from P5. If it’s even better in past games, I may like those even more.