Hi. I’ve been using powerlevel10k for a long time, but a few days ago, I decided I wanted to customize it a bit. I opened the .p10k.zsh file, and I was shocked. It’s really massive, with TONS of options. I’ve been digging through for a few hours already, and it’s absolutely amazing how much you can customize it without actually programming anything. I was wondering what other people are using. So my questions are:

  • Do you customize your shell prompt?
  • If yes, do you use some framework or pre-made theme, or do you just configure it the vanilla way in your bashrc/zshrc/…
  • How is your experiences with it so far?
  • Share screenshot of your prompts, please (Sadly, my prompt is currently half done, so I can’t really share it)
  • owsei@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I made two go programas to make my prompt

    It’s a pwd with user customization, like colors and names, an inline git status and then the exit code of the last command

    inline git status

    customizable pwd

    I’m in the process of remaking them tho, since they used a shitty go preprocessor that I no longer maintain.