They did fake the moon landing. Problem is Kubrick is such a stickler for detail that he insisted they shoot on location.
the lunar commissary that the film crew used during shooting is still there, you can see it with a good telescope
Pretty much the lamest conspiracy theory. There are better ones like Rhode Island is actually the third largest state in the US but the other states are trying to keep it down.
Stanley Kubrick was asked to fake the moon landing and he agreed, but being Stanley Kubrick he insisted they film on location.
Rhode Island is actually the third largest state in the US but the other states are trying to keep it down.
also this sounds fucking hilarious where can I read more?
Well I haven’t gotten that particular conspiracy theory off the ground yet, still trying to get people in on that one.
I think it is everything you could want from a conspiracy theory though, you just steal all the same talking points from flat earthers but apply the conspiracy in so much more of a petty and meaningless direction that I think it has real potential.
I forget where I saw it but I watched a video that showed how in 69 it would be so difficult to fake the shots that it was easier to just go to the moon.