Let’s say I REALLY don’t want dyslexic people reading my post. What font would be the most troublesome font for them to read?
Let’s say I REALLY don’t want dyslexic people reading my post. What font would be the most troublesome font for them to read?
That’s an awful reason to want dyslexic unfriendly fonts. I figured it was because dyslexic fonts are hard to read if you’re not dyslexic, I’m not dyslexic so I hate those fonts with a passion, especially when you’re not given a choice as to whether or not they’re used like when Twitter briefly used a dyslexic font on the whole site. That was a nightmare!
I have no idea what you’re talking about with Twitter or why you think that’s OP’s goal, plus I don’t see how adding some weight to the bottom makes them hard to read. Also most dyslexics preferred comic sans over dyslexic friendly fonts