Personally, I started off with Roblox back in the early 2010s, and taught myself Lua. I really liked those Tycoon games, and wanted to see how they worked.

I eventually found Minecraft (like every kid back in the day did), and learnt Java to make Bukkit server mods.

Around 2016 I thought websites were kinda cool, so I started learning HTML, CSS, and JS, and I’ve been in the web dev space ever since.

What about the rest of y’all? What’s your personal programming path?

  • Butt
    1 year ago

    TI-83 in high school. I made a “fishing” game where you would pick two numbers, and the calculator would do the same, and wait a random amount of time. If you picked the same numbers as the calculator it would tell you what kind of fish you caught. It had a bunch of overrides and a really rudimentary save state.

    From there I taught myself python, bash, sql, and c++. I installed linux on my computer and taught myself the LAMP stack and basic server administration. All in high school.

    You’d think I had a successful career as a programmer with such a promising start, but no. My dad was (and still is) convinced that jesus is coming back “any day now” and was sure to tell me how fucking stupid my aspirations were. I eventually landed a job as a programmer, but decades later than i should have.