Wanted to know if there are any other android apps with features like telegram such as sending ,recieving big files creating channels etc. Using a bot or channel in telegram to pirate movies and series are infinitely easier than torrenting . But as telegram is not fully open source and requires a phone number to create an account i am looking to see if there are any better alternatives which aldready does have a piracy ring like telegram . If you know any share . I am asking this here because i think it is the right sub and i can’t find an alternative anywhere on the web . If it isn’t the sub for this i will delete the post if you request so in the comments.

EDIT : It seems everyone missed my questions point i don’t want a privacy focused app like telegram to chat i want a app that is privacy focused but can also help me pirate media .

  • TCB13@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Maybe not. https://dessalines.github.io/essays/why_not_signal.html

    CIA Funding CIA → RFA → OTF → Signal. While this article by Yasha Levine gets into the details, it is no secret that the original funder of Open Whisper Systems (the previous name for signal’s development team), was the Open Technology Fund: itself publicly listed as a subsidiary of Radio Free Asia, a US state-run organization whose main goal (along with the other “Radio Free” incarnations such as Radio Free Europe, or Free Cuba Radio) is regime change for those Asian governments who don’t align with the US’s foreign policy interests.

    Either way you can’t recommend Signal over Telegram when it comes to features and service quality as it works very fast and handles large group chats (hundreds of people) no problem and syncs instantaneously. Signal’s desktop and mobile clients are simply a pile of react and javascript garbage that can never be as fast as the native Telegram clients and usually fails at syncing messages. With Signal issues such as https://twitter.com/signalapp/status/1350631024351346689 and “signal can’t display this message” are very common.

    Telegram has one very good thing going on for them: they aren’t dicks when you want to delete messages. You have options that are very clear on what they do and allow you to delete messages in both sides. Other platforms, including Signal, are just shit when it comes to this and frankly that’s a security nightmare. I can’t ever trust a platform that when I ask it to delete a message it may or may not work, may or may not tell the other side it was deleted.

    I’m not pushing people to use Signal anymore as their Apps still suck, there’s zero investment to make them more usable and to fix the things that are half broken. To make it even better their open-source is very questionably, their server code went for an year without updates. Why would I use something that lags, underperforms, has questionable open-source practices and might be funded by the CIA / influenced in some way then?