What are the videos called? Searching for marker tests just gets me markers, adding “knife” gets me sharpening techniques, and adding “knife fight” just gets me music.
https://youtu.be/-s7E-PsMJRI?si=tP6HLeRMTtvsw30D try this one. It’s called “there is no such thing as a knife fight” by Hein’s approach to aikido. Am on mobile so can’t find a shorter vid for you.
What are the videos called? Searching for marker tests just gets me markers, adding “knife” gets me sharpening techniques, and adding “knife fight” just gets me music.
https://youtu.be/-s7E-PsMJRI?si=tP6HLeRMTtvsw30D try this one. It’s called “there is no such thing as a knife fight” by Hein’s approach to aikido. Am on mobile so can’t find a shorter vid for you.