Maybe it’s that first PUBG victory, or becoming a Grand Champion on Rocket League. Maybe it’s the time you got passed that awfully difficult level, or the time you actually got around to finishing your backlog.

What achievement are you proud of?

    1 year ago

    “Elden Ring” achievement in Elden Ring (obtain all achievements.) I am a very casual gamer and I played very little of dark souls 3 but I couldn’t get past the tutorial boss so I gave up. I heard many great thing about Elden Ring so I decided to give a FromSoft game another try. The freedom of that game made it really easy for a casual player like myself to go my own pace and get used to the i-frames. I fell in love with the game and my first play through I used as many summons as I could but my other play throughs I hardly used any. It turned me into a gamer that dodged and used parries which I never did before. Very good game and I’m excited to play the dlc.