No shit skip, of course they shouldn’t turn the ball over, or get red cards, or what the fuck ever. Passing gas in the bathroom and think it’s perfume; literally shitty analysis I just heard on ESPN.

Why don’t sports commentators actually break down plays and strategy?

Only one I can think of is jomboy breaks down pitches sometimes. Showed that the pitcher was releasing at the top of the throw for like 4 pitches of sliders then released like 20 degrees sidearm with another slider but because it was released differently it caught the batter and struck them out. Beautiful breakdown and I appreciated the sport and gamesmanship even more.

    1 year ago

    the pitcher was releasing at the top of the throw for like 4 pitches of sliders then released like 20 degrees sidearm with another slider but because it was released differently it caught the batter and struck them out. Beautiful breakdown and I appreciated the sport and gamesmanship even more.

    The only people who want that are baseball fans. Hockey fans will put up with about 10% of that, football fans will put up with about 5% of it, and basketball fans won’t even listen in the first place. Sports fandom hasn’t grown as fast the population, and the people who do like sports don’t like them in the same way they traditionally used to. Sports coverage now has to be as surface-level as possible to retain an audience who will flip channels once you start talking about catch probability and wRC+, exacerbated by E!SPN aggressively marketing down to the lowest possible denominator and withholding coverage of sports they consider to be too complicated.

    tl;dr the dumb masses don’t want to listen to no book larnin from no city slicker

      1 year ago

      I think the fans do like actual in-depth analysis, it’s just no always possible real-time.

      Jomboy’s breakdowns are fantastic, but he’s not able to do that during a live broadcast.

      The NFL pioneered game analysis with John Madden and the telestrator, and that is used in all sports broadcasts now. For that, you need the camera work to see and record the action, the expertise to realize there is something to analyse, and the ability to analyse it, and you need the time to show the analysis in a break in play or during an intermission