Picking up a week’s worth of shopping for a family, whilst taking your baby with you, in the pouring rain, and you live up a steep hill, and you have joint pain, and a sudden work meeting across the other side of town in an hour…
I’d love a city designed round bicycles (Cambridge, UK is quite good like that in the centre) but man, despite the downsides cars are amazing things.
Anyone who has ridden in rain and adverse weather would know one reason cars are more popular.
Danish citizens cycle in rain with no issue.
Of course the workplaces accomodate for that.
You just need the whole society to revolve around bike transport, and it will become normal to ride in the rain.
Yeah… pretty sure Denmark doesn’t get regular thunderstorms or hail storms.
Picking up a week’s worth of shopping for a family, whilst taking your baby with you, in the pouring rain, and you live up a steep hill, and you have joint pain, and a sudden work meeting across the other side of town in an hour…
I’d love a city designed round bicycles (Cambridge, UK is quite good like that in the centre) but man, despite the downsides cars are amazing things.