I enjoy support journalism which is not commercially driven and am looking for European media. In Germany there is e.g. Jung und Naiv, taz or Riffreporter. But they all have a focus on german politics mainly i want more EU or Europe Politics. I thought about Guardian - they at least try to cover some European stuff.

  • Libb@jlai.lu
    3 days ago

    If you have a public library nearby they may have a selection of various newspaper (and not just in German, from various European countries) you can read for free that should help you decide which one(s) you would like to support. And if they don’t have any, feel free to ask for help: many librarians are more than willing to help people to be better informed they may suggest some leads.

    I don’t know many ‘European’ newspapers. Or magazines, for that matter. I would be curious to see what others may suggest!

    Many newspaper will have a ‘Europe’ section, though. But then the question becomes: what is a political Europe? Where is it?

    Beside the two caricatures of what Europe was supposed to be that have prevailed for the last 50 years or so—Europe is an excuse for bankers and politicians to screw their citizens more freely; Europe is nothing but a long past that we, its citizens of today, should all feel ashamed for. Both caricatures promoted and fueled with the enthusiastic support of our press, btw, the same press that just recently started realizing there could be more to being European. Beside those, what did it mean to be European say up until the second Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Simple test anyone can do to understand the situation: ask anyone around you ‘who is the President of the EU?’ And see how many have no idea, how many will give you some name of a person, or maybe of one country, and how many will tell you that there is no such thing as a President of the EU. Americans may have elected the most despicable, illiterate, racist monkey ever in their history, but they still are Americans first and foremost. What are we?

    My apologies for that rant. Back to your question.

    I would really encourage you to read as many newspapers as you can, in as many languages as you can. You will slowly spot the newspapers/journalists that give you some real valuable EU content and so you will know which ones aren’t worth your time/money.

    Do it at the public library if money is an issue (press is definitely not ‘free as in free beer’). Or you can do it like I do with one of my neighbor: we both purchase a few newspapers/mags and we share them ;)

    • RidderSport@feddit.org
      3 days ago

      I’d like to add that all university libraries have newspapers and their archives available for public use. Usually quite the collection as well.

      The libraries are open to the public and if at all require a temporary access in exchange for a safety deposit (ID)