I had a similar experience, also a month ago. Lots of people I know had it similar the last few months. Is there another wave of this going around and this time I’m noticing?
From my knowledge, here in Germany, there was a strong flu wave this winter. Basically everyone I know got a severe and long RTI, but I mostly know other parents of kindergarteners, so there is a big bias. However, it wasn’t even localized to my area, my family is in another part of the country and similar story there.
I am subscribed to a kind of weekly questionnaire about RTI by Robert Koch Institute, there is also a report attached to it. I remember reading that there was, indeed, a stronger RTI and flu wave this year.
I had a similar experience, also a month ago. Lots of people I know had it similar the last few months. Is there another wave of this going around and this time I’m noticing?
From my knowledge, here in Germany, there was a strong flu wave this winter. Basically everyone I know got a severe and long RTI, but I mostly know other parents of kindergarteners, so there is a big bias. However, it wasn’t even localized to my area, my family is in another part of the country and similar story there.
I am subscribed to a kind of weekly questionnaire about RTI by Robert Koch Institute, there is also a report attached to it. I remember reading that there was, indeed, a stronger RTI and flu wave this year.