Yeah, exactly. But it’s the usual German/Dutch “I’m not gonna stick my neck out for those southern lazy bastards” mentality which reached its peak in 2011 and keeps on being repeated in a loop, despite southern Europe having adhered strictly to the plan which was set by their overlords back then, imposing crippling austerity measures which effectively harmed their own populations and economies for decades to come and triggered a brain dump with irreversible consequences (and has been recognized by none other than the IMF and the EC as has having been excessive). Why should Portugal, Spain or Italy borrow (German) money to pay for (German/French) equipment they will likely never use only to, in 10 years, find the German again at their doors, asking why they didn’t keep their deficits in check?
Yeah, exactly. But it’s the usual German/Dutch “I’m not gonna stick my neck out for those southern lazy bastards” mentality which reached its peak in 2011 and keeps on being repeated in a loop, despite southern Europe having adhered strictly to the plan which was set by their overlords back then, imposing crippling austerity measures which effectively harmed their own populations and economies for decades to come and triggered a brain dump with irreversible consequences (and has been recognized by none other than the IMF and the EC as has having been excessive). Why should Portugal, Spain or Italy borrow (German) money to pay for (German/French) equipment they will likely never use only to, in 10 years, find the German again at their doors, asking why they didn’t keep their deficits in check?