What program or blueprint are people using for this? Looks really nice, clean and simple
I don’t know why Deezer isn’t mentioned as a music streaming service. It’s quite nice.
I also recommended LibreWolf as a browser: !librewolf@lemmy.ml, as well as IronFox
Finally got rid of Reddit now more on blue sky and Lemmy Yesterday got rid if Wayz (google owned) and doing Organic Maps instead. Not seeing as much advertising is healing and focusing.
I mostly agree with the list, but given Spotify platforms Joe Rogan and pays artists less than Apple Music, for music streaming I went the other way.
Looking forward to Bandwagon catching on, and help recording artists cut the middle men out
They themselves arent using the alternatives come join us at reddit lmao
I think that in browsers it would be better than at least they added to Librewolf, it is the best browser based in Firefox
Honestly out of all those switches email is the one I’ve always struggled with. I feel like that one would take a ton of effort to switch over my accounts on various things to a new email. If anyone has any advice or ways to make that easier I’d love that as otherwise I’m still stuck with Gmail.
My main suggestion is to start, and to start earlier rather than later. If you have an email account you don’t like, every time you express that it’s associated with you means you’ll have to make one more update in order to completely switch.
I decided to switch around Black Friday when there was a discount for a paid subscription, and then to try to avoid using my old email account unless I saw a website reference it (like if I had to log in or specifically check for an email).
I feel a lot more comfortable using email than I used to (although I still try to avoid using it), so switching has improved my quality of life overall.
I got my own domain. It’s still a ton of work because you have to switch everything, but once you’ve done this you will be independent: if you dislike your current provider you can make a copy, switch providers and every account keeps working.
Now my old Gmail accounts redirect everything to my new email and this way I can switch whatever I forgot.
Moving from YouTube Music to Spotify?
Spotify has been fucking over artists for years
Yeah, I had to check the decision making process there, it’s just that it’s not American.
Bandcamp might have been bought out by Epic Games, but the platform has given me magnitudes more money for my music than every other streaming platform combined.
For what it’s worth, Epic Games sold Bandcamp to Songtradr in 2023. It’s still an American company, and probably isn’t meaningfully better than Epic, but at least they haven’t totally tanked the platform yet either.
Any artist I hear online that I like their music, if they dont have a BC page, I suggest they sort one out. What I like about them is that I can stream peoples music via the app but also download it so I actually ‘own’ the music. I also like buying physical releases from artists through there.
I’ve not sold music through there so I’m not au fait with their terms but I know its not as terrible as all the streaming sites.
At least Youtube Music can be used with third-party clients.
Imo yt-dlp and self-host that stuff while you’re still can.
I am doing just that. I indeed use Youtube Music for discovering and downloading new tracks, but alos yt-dlp every video I like. Because I am afraid Youtube might at some point be taken away, like loginwalled.
DLP can pull audio tracks and drop you mp3s as well.
That is exactly what I do. A client on the phone for discovery on the go, later yt-dlp on the laptop and proper tagging.
any clients for ios?
I would never be able to afford Apple tech even if I somehow didn’t mind using a phone I cannot install arbitrary apps on. So yeah, no idea. I use RiMusic on my Android, but the downloads happen on the laptop with yt-dlp.
It’s non-US. Honestly, I’m not really on the whole non-US bandwagon. It feels kind of xenophobic and a large blast radius. Even for privacy, non-US isn’t even enough, it needs to be in specific countries.
Distrusting services from a country due to their government is not xenophobia.
It’s the same as avoiding chinese services because of their national policies.I’d still happily welcome american and chinese people into my country.
Non-US is a start for now though, because they currently have the most control over the internet.
Plus the US government is currently exceptionally hostile to those who aren’t US citizens, so I have little reason to trust that they won’t abuse me or my data.U.S. citizen here
The administration is putting tendrils into things, heading toward fascism.
US companies are being forced to bend the knee. Government agencies are sucking up information to be used against people the future or sold at an alarming rate.
If you can find a one to one alternative to a US-based service it’s a really good time to head that way. I know I am.
Maybe not that much more than it already was, though. And Lemmy is going so far to boycott Signal which has been the golden standard for privacy up to this point. While many European countries are passing anti-encryption policies, we are boycotting US without any strong arguments.
Who is boycotting signal?
People have been pushing Matrix and Element over Signal.
I’ve seen as more distrust over matrix/new vector (exposing ID without content) as I have Signal. There’s stink around it being an Israeli government run company in a trenchcoat.
I think most of it is as baseless as anything said about signal, but at least they have real incidents that make matrix questionable.
Agreed. I think it’s important to differentiate American organizations that are and are not part of the problem.
Might as well go to Deezer.
Switch from Reddit to Lemmy
Join us on Reddit
To be fair, the people here in Lemmy already know about half of these and are willing to changethe rest. Using reddit to spread the word actually reaches the target audience of this post.
Windows, MacOS -> Linux
Lost me at signal
The presentation of this information feels… curated. It’s difficult to dismiss the possibility that it’s been strategically crafted, perhaps as a form of marketing. The echo of Protonmail’s previous Mastodon activity – a year of seemingly earnest engagement that ultimately felt rather self-serving – lends a certain cynicism to the matter.
Genuinely not my post. I just shared it from my saved images on my phone. I really don’t like the idea of being exploited by tech companies with no regard for their users.
Spotify is pretty fucking bad too. They don’t get a pass for not being Google.
Yeah that rec shocked me. Bandcamp surely if possible is best for the artist.
I have heard about certain creators disliking Bandcamp and wanting to not use it anymore, but I don’t know why that is.
I mean, I’ve heard criticisms about literally every form of digital musical storefront… I don’t know what criticism there would be for Bandcamp that Spotify doesn’t do worse for musicians. Music availability notwithstanding.
deleted by creator
On Wikipedia it says Epic Games bought them in 2022, then in 2023 Songtradr bought Bandcamp off Epic. Songtradr then fired half of Bandcamp staff.
Eh… they’re still doing Bandcamp Fridays this year where they take no commission. I just had a look and this year it’s:
May 2nd
August 1st
September 5th
October 3rd
December 5th
Seriously. They donated millions to the trump campaign and barely pay artists pennies.
The music space is one of the biggest things we’re lacking platforms for right now for sure. I’ve shifted over to Tidal for the time being, but I swear I’m just tempted to go back to local files at this point.
Spotube is decent for playing Spotify playlists you come across or people send you
I quit Tidal after they dropped the Plex integration
NewPipe works if you’re desperate
I’m slowly moving back to local files. Though that gets expensive very quickly so you know what that means.
Yep, and I hate that because I want to support the artists and mostly listen to more obscure shit these days. Plus bandcamp is owned by Amazon I believe so even though the artists get more out of it, there’s still a Bezos tax.
Then there’s figuring out how to stream it remotely while driving or whatever. It’s a whole thing.
I do genuinely really like Tidal so far, but I’m not familiar with their company’s political stances or anything, and of course it’s not FOSS at all. Spotify is dead to me though.
Yeah spotify is fucking vile. I hear my peers praise it for its alleged ability to perfect tailor playlists and recommendations for music discovery- because I guess we can’t be bothered to figure out what music we like anymore. And them of course, it behinds spoonfeeding its users their own ai-generated slop that they don’t have to pay licensing fees for.
People are so dumb for still recommending bluesky it’s just leaving one peice of shit for another that will definitely turn into a peice of shit like all proprietary software does
Blue sky has an algorithm, people really want their algorithms. They don’t want to have to go and search out all of the content, they want to be spoon-fed. When Twitter exploded and Mastodon had their API gate, a lot of journalists and celebrities tested out the water on Mastodon but over time they slowly bled over and end up in Bluesky.
I’m not saying that Mastodon can’t survive without an algorithm but they don’t make any attempt to deliver content to a person that they find relevant. It’s all organic discovery and that’s very 00’s ish.
dissatisfied with this formerly-popular social media platform that experienced a hostile fascist takeover and enshittification? Join us on this currently-popular social media platform that will undergo the same event in seven years! Because how are we supposed to make profits by learning from our mistakes?
But, all the liberals are there now, so it must be great! /s
It seems that it costs more than what I pay for internet access in order to independently communicate with people using Bluesky, so the license used with a git repository doesn’t make it much more likely that I’ll use it: https://dustycloud.org/blog/how-decentralized-is-bluesky/
- Bluesky now owned by crypto-grifters
- “I prefer to meet people where they are” says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar. | It’s Bluesky. The Nazi Bar[1] is Bluesky.
/TalesFromYourServer: Kicking a Nazi out as soon as they walk in ↩︎
Yeah it makes no sense to me how dumb people can be. Like
“Yeah let’s move away from one proprietary social media that got enshitified to another proprietary social media that will definitely enshitify”
I don’t know how many times people have to learn the exact same lesson before they finally figure it out but I think there’s a fucking quote about that.
If it hasn’t already, moving from corporate owner to corporate owner will become some sort of ritual, a modern form of tradition.
My brother in law …moved from Apple to Google cause he decided he hated Apple.
That’s a first step. He’ll soon hate Google and move to GrapheneOS and start self-hosting. No, wait, that was me. Never mind.
My contract with Three/iPhone13 ended in January, that phone was done for (Charging port) but my other half’s 13 was fine. I’ll burn this out and then get a Fairphone and do similar. Don’t get the point in swapping one big tech for another big tech.