• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • Huh? In what way was what I said a “slippery slope”? This article is literally talking about NK sending troops to Ukraine. I wasn’t even the one to bring up NATO or the US in the first place.

    I wholeheartedly believe Palestine should be freed and that we shouldn’t be supplying weapons at all. The genocide is disgusting. But at least the US isn’t using US troops, nor are they doing trade deals to send more poor people into Gaza (like NK and Russia are doing in this article, except in Ukraine instead of Gaza).

  • If you don’t believe me, ask any 18 year old girl who wears tight clothes, what age are the guys looking at her body when she walks around?

    First off, it’s not okay for that to be happening in the first place. Just because it happens doesn’t make it okay. Secondly, I guarantee that these same men look at 15-17 year olds the same way. Do you really think that they’re asking ages before checking them out? This is not a good argument. It’s hilarious that you’re also speaking for women, when you clearly are not one.

    It’s biology, you can’t change that with political correctness…

    This isn’t about political correctness, this is about not being a pedophile or an otherwise creepy little man. There’s a thing called self control and self discipline, you know? We’re intelligent creatures, it’s biology, after all.