Back when Russia invaded Ukraine, they issued a statement about how they’re saddened that Europe has descended into violence and are calling for the region to give peace a chance. It was a solid troll.
Back when Russia invaded Ukraine, they issued a statement about how they’re saddened that Europe has descended into violence and are calling for the region to give peace a chance. It was a solid troll.
How many goddamn ads can you fit into a wiki?
And still in use in server racks, though not as originally designed.
Luce is light. Lucifer is bringer of light.
…and nothing of value was lost.
…or, more likely, a great^20 grandpa got with multiple great^20 grandmas. All it takes is one harem merging branches somewhere to tip the scales.
Through Beijing, in fact.
I’m actually shocked
I’m not. Ever since the war, every single closet xenophobe of the west has been taking full advantage of finally having an acceptable group of subhumans to hate. If any of this surprises you, you haven’t been paying attention.
Frankly that sounds like “OK, I did install a camera in your bedroom, but it’s not like it’s on or anything!”
The first recorded modern proposal for the use of chemical warfare was made by Lyon Playfair
Case in point: Yitzhak Rabin.
I’m sorry, “sympathy for enemy combatant” is a banable offence?
I knew a barista that set the wifi pass to “ten bucks”.
To be fair, they’re not shitposts, but they are, by and large, shit posts.
Let me guess, it’s not “boots on the ground”.because they’re wearing sneakers?
If it did, the heater wouldn’t look like this.
Yup. Pronounced “fa-gott” or “fa-goh”.
Depends on the SCO system. If I can swipe the item, swipe the card, and walk, then yeah, great. But if it can’t handle small items, can’t handle packages, and in particular makes you scan the receipt, no thanks. You cut an employee, eat the shrinkage and leave me alone.
Double new lines, it eats single ones.
Yeah, turns out it’s kinda hard to dodge the draft for a war you hate when all the countries that allegedly oppose it closed their borders to you.