Reading the blog post, it’s a lot more nuanced than that: someone reported a CVE, which was related to a possible int overflow in client code handling the timeout between requests. NVD chose to grade this as a 9.8/10 on their severity scale (for context, CVE-2014-0160, also known as Heartbleed, got a 7.5/10), which is ludicrous for a bug which could at most change the retry timeout of your request from your intended years to a few seconds. Daniel says that this is not a security vulnerability at all and has no business being listed on the CVE database, whereas NVD argues that it’s a bug, it’s been reported to them and because overflows are undefined behavior, anything can happen and so it’s a security vulnerability.
In the end, they agreed to at least adjust the severity down to a 3.3, but I can understand that Daniel is still somewhat miffed about it. Personally I also agree that it’s not really a security issue and that even a 3.3 is too high in terms of severity.
Gentoo is the espresso you get when your coffee-obsessed friend with >$10k worth of barista equipment asks if you’d like a coffee. It’s the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted, but by the time your friend has finished preparing and all the settings are dialed in, it’s around midnight and you should have gone home hours ago