Shit. Can you invite me next time?
Shit. Can you invite me next time?
How would it work if it’s not that large, though? They could only sell sunlight to people who are within the target radius, but that would be very temporary
I worry that phrase is a little too generic. If it were bannable, I could see kayakers getting in trouble
“Off for a day trip! Gonna float all the way from the river to the sea today!”
The low gravity was fun, but the O2 just became another bar I have to monitor, so I didn’t enjoy it
Now the question is was this on purpose? Or was it caused by the huge layoffs they did?
I’m having a really hard time keeping up with the analogies at this point, haha
You are correct! I’m very sorry!
I completely read your comment wrong! I’m sorry!
For posterity, here’s what I wrote previously ----‐----- What the hell is wrong with you?
A lot of horrible people don’t care when immigrants die, but nobody is proud enough to say it with their whole chest
Fuck you
Please keep doing this. Something about it feels comforting
I want her to fix me
I agree with you, but you can also think about it as a one sided battle where youtube keeps shooting themselves in the foot
Baldur’s gate 3
I keep reading that mod will ruin your textures over several hours
I’m still having trouble with long loading times
“Hey, come over here. And when you do, I won’t let you leave”
I knew someone who worked at a really well loved local restaurant. One day a new manager came in and IMMEDIATELY wanted to change the name. According to him, you should change a restaurant’s name every 2 years
Why would you ruin the recognition you already have? He was also planning on changing the name to be the exact same as a business down the street. I think he was an idiot
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I see now! I misunderstood. Thank you for clarifying
I can’t really tell what I’m looking at, haha. Is that a warped pistol close to the camera or a fucking pirate cannon behind him
I’m glad someone referenced the movie