I can’t speak to public domain…
Commenter admits that it isn’t public domain. So Wikipedia isn’t a great suggestion for this answer, although I would argue that it is indeed “very valuable or worth archiving”
Wikipedia is under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License which again, isn’t public domain. However it is a largely permissible license which allows people to do close to whatever they’d like with the material - which some people might find similarity with the public domain if they don’t know how the licensing works.
I was a little curious myself, so I found an article about it.
I admit that I don’t know exactly how a freezer works, but my impression is that the cold temperatures not only make it more difficult for the freezer to run, but apparently regardless of if it’s running they can damage the insulation.
So I suppose that even if you do disconnect the power, the damage to the insulation will cause more work for the compressor, which will increase its energy costs and cause more strain for the part.
Knowing that, if it was me, I’d probably bring the freezer in for the winter. Although I suppose if you want to keep your food on your balcony you could swap the freezer for any insulated cooler. The winter is pretty long here though, so I guess I’d just find a more permanent home for the freezer if I could