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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I’ve never understood the idea of being mad about what another industry is making. They make more money than you? Great go put in an application. Don’t want to work in that industry? Then maybe they deserve the better pay. If you truly think you are that superior to the other industry then use their pay to bargain at your own job.

    If you’re a nurse who’s working long hours at a job that requires an education and you’re getting paid the same as a McDonald’s cook, don’t be mad at the cook, be mad at your employer. Go to them and demand a raise, and say I could work there for the same pay, spend more time with my family and not be responsible for keeping people alive. Pay me or I’m going to peace out.

  • I used to slip in to a bit where I was sarcastically a character that took on beliefs basically the exact opposite of my own. I would make sexist or lightly racist (stereotype) jokes that I didn’t actually believe but thought were funny. The jokes were ofter at the expense of myself or people like me but involved bringing up other races, sexes, and ethnicities.

    I made an effort to stop doing this for a couple reasons. The first being that idk if I’m really good or really bad at sarcasm but a lot of people just wouldn’t get my joke and I was afraid people actually believed that was who I was.

    Secondly, I had a kid. I realized that she parrots everything I say and do, and she wouldn’t understand the layers of the joke and could potentially become what I was making fun of.

    I listen to a lot of comedians in podcast and I envy their ability to slip in and out of bits with other comedians knowing they all get it, but for now I make an effort to end that bit.