• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • What evidence? I see zero reference to any evidence other than the word in the title. Nonsense. Reading the NYT article (which should have been the actual article not this blog post BS) the closest you get to anything Western related for breaking the negotiations is their advice that the initial tentative agreements ‘were tantamount to capitulation’. Negotiations proceeded long after that point and 2 key issues with them are attributed to their breakdown:

    1. Putin’s micromanaging of his negotiation team led the Ukranian side to doubt the negotiations were anything but a stall tactic, and

    2. A deal-breaking Russian amendment to Ukraine’s Article 5-esque ‘guarantors will come to the aid of Ukraine if they are attacked again in the future’ which essentially gave Russia a veto.

    ;tldr the only evidence provided by this blog post BS is for Russia not negotiating in good faith, and definitively being the one that spoiled the talks with a garbage ally defence veto amendment which strongly indicated they had every intention of doing all this again anyways no matter what the agreement said (their SOP.

  • Burstar@lemmy.dbzer0.comMtoUkraine@sopuli.xyz*Permanently Deleted*
    7 days ago

    For anyone wondering, this sort of blatant Russian propaganda is evaluated using a higher level of scrutiny but will be tolerated so long as the content can be reasonably interpreted as not intending to incite or belittle Ukrainians.

    In this specific example, the claim ‘an Ukrainian assault by untrained and inexperienced prisoners was annihilated with ease’ would be in violation if it wasn’t so absurd, unsupported by the footage, and laughable.

    Why allow it? Ukrainian ideals include things like ‘freedom of the press/information’. In times of war this has significant limitations ofc but I for one am interested in hearing ‘their side’ of events as they happen so long as it is done in a neutral voice. Many truths can be gleaned from lies for people savvy enough to read between the lines.

    Rest assured this is not an open invitation for Russian bots to start spamming propaganda. This community will NOT become a Tankie Hellhole.

  • It is not difficult to aim up or down. In fact, the greater the angle from horizontal the less the bullet trajectory is affected by gravity. It literally shoots straighter. Well trained shooters will understand this and compensate for it easily. That video talks about air rifles, the ballistics of which are not relevant to aiming the weapons being used to shoot at drones.

    The real issue is that it is very difficult to judge the distance and speed of objects in the sky as there are few objects to gauge the target’s distance against. Let alone that the shooter may have no idea the actual size of the craft they are trying to shoot down.

  • Yeah it’s a ridiculous stance to take, particularly for WWII. Of the 6/7 continents (Antarctica not included) only Africa and Australia were colonial participants. US, UK, France, Japan, Germany, China, Russia all were not colonies. Direct conflict occurred on Africa by Germany and Japan bombed Australia. Thus to say ‘WWII’ is a propaganda title to make it sound bigger than it was is at best a pedantic argument as all continents (except Antarctica) were affected by a non-colonial belligerent.

  • Her statements in the video suggest otherwise:

    “[Russians] have a strong nationality”, which to me means they identify with their country and consequently its government. This statement alone says she should be emotionally responsible for her government’s actions as it indirectly or tacitly supports them.

    “We are not an aggressive people”. False. Your nation is currently waging one of a series of aggressive wars in the region of late and there are numerous Russian videos that show how common vehicular accidents have everyone involved (and more) exiting their vehicles armed with melee weapons (crowbars, bats, etc…). Not an aggressive people? Relative to what, the Mongol Horde?

    Members of hostile Nations have a burden of proof to show they are willing to play ball with other civilizations. The very fact she’s crying about the unfair treatment instead of asking ‘why all the hate’ and trying to dispel everyone’s very reasonable concerns is another strike against.

    If she actually sat down and learned what her country was doing to innocent Ukrainians, and publicly denounced their actions she would have my sympathy. Until then she is a citizen of Orkistan, raised to hate the West and believe her governments lies since birth and cannot be trusted.

  • Your Hitler example is perfect IMO. There were many beyond Hitler in Germany that deserved the hatred directed at them whether directly through horrific acts or indirectly due to their apathy or ignorance. The civilians in the towns directly adjacent to liberated concentration camps were forced by allied forces to aid in the cleanup and recovery of the camps and their victims. Many of these ‘innocent Germans’ expressed outrage at their ‘undeserved’ treatment like as seen in this video. They didn’t deserve sympathy either.

    At a certain point ‘I am just an innocent wittle civilian who has done nothing wrong’ is a cop-out. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good [people] should do nothing” -Burke.

    To be clear this isn’t to justify warcrimes on civilians. It is merely to say her crocodile tears fall on deaf ears.