And there’s rituals and rules with gravity surrounding them now. During the Cuban missile crisis nukes were seen as just another weapon. At this point they’re more like symbols of state that you can hypothetically end the world with.
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
And there’s rituals and rules with gravity surrounding them now. During the Cuban missile crisis nukes were seen as just another weapon. At this point they’re more like symbols of state that you can hypothetically end the world with.
Hopefully. All the other possibilities I can think of are darker.
Unless you let some of them overlap, I guess, which is maybe what OP was thinking.
Yeah, but proliferation is bad, basically. The more nations have nukes the harder it is to not use them.
That being said, we already have the CANDU reactors in Ontario churning out plutonium that we just bury. I’ve heard it estimated we could have bombs in like 3 months if we wanted.
Not as big an ask as you’re probably thinking. In the end, they’ve always (just barely) voted to stay for the convenience. If we were to join the Schengen area and the single market going forward, and maybe even the EU itself, it wouldn’t really be a problem if they were technically a separate nation within it.
It was a “shotgun marriage” by the colonial British in the first place, and as far as I can tell enthusiasm for the arrangement was never that high among ordinary Anglo Canadians, either. I hear “they should just leave so we never have to talk about it again” semi-often IRL.
There’s also the “little” issue of if future elections will even be real.
Yeah, the Doomsday clock is kind of fucked at this point. They need to reboot it with the same scale as during the (first?) Cold War.
Us too plz?
I’m sure we’ll give you guys whatever you want in return, shit’s getting really scary here in Canada.
Enjoy everyone, we’re living through fediverse history. This is our dancing baby (or maybe more like the “love you” worm).
Has anybody actually followed the links? I’m mildly curious where it goes.
Amazing. Like OP, I’ve lost count.
Hmm, it’s hard to say. The purge record doesn’t display anything like username searchable by the standard frontend, and it’s still a lot rarer than normal removals. The top purge on .ml right now relates to this thread, shown federated to my instance, and it’s neither of the ones visible there, but that could just be that it wasn’t federated in time.
The reason given was that it’s a reply to the wrong thread, which should definitely be a normal removal. The only clear-cut case for a true purge is doxxing or CSAM.
Do tarrifs really just make things more expensive for the home country? How do they effect the country the tarrifs are imposed on?
It makes it harder for that country to sell. Which means layoffs and loss of asset value there. The most dramatic example is the auto industry. They’re talking about just closing shop immediately, because their business plan depends on moving things back and forth across the border as they gradually get assembled.
If this goes on as long as I suspect, there will be new businesses that bubble up to use the same resources, but it’s never going to be as nice as a single integrated continent, and in the meanwhile, time is money, things can’t grow and develop while just sitting there. Not to mention the workers that now don’t know how to put food on the table.
Genuine question, if Trump’s tariffs just make things expensive for Americans why would we put retaliatory tariffs that effect us?
That’s actually a separate question. It’s a matter of tit-for-tat, partly. But, there’s also the fact that the US government is pocketing all those tariffs. If we didn’t have a bit of extra income to match, I imagine it’d get really hard for the government to pay for things with our now weaker currency. Not retaliating was considered, though.
Actually, yes. Stability-loving nationalist autocrats vs. instability-loving nationalist autocrats.
Thankfully, the real democracies don’t really need to choose one or the other, as long as we stick together.
We know it’s not all of you.
Aluminum is another one, apparently. The element is everywhere, but it takes massive amounts of electricity to get in metal form, which we just happen to have from all the dams in great lakes region.
Our Aluminum companies are literally planning to change nothing. They expect their American customers will just eat the cost.
Yes. It’s alright, I’ve managed to mostly eliminate American products. Anyone smart or at least patriotic has looked into it as well, since the madness began. It was kind of neat watching the US products just sit on the shelves while Canadian stuff emptied out.
To reiterate what all our politicians have been saying to US media, Trump is raising prices on Americans to hurt us, it’s for no good reason, and we’re forced to do the same on our side.
And inflict the maximum amount of pain on specifically the bad Americans who are doing this.
This headline makes it sound way more imminent than I’ve been lead to believe. The first order of business is just messing with things like Florida orange farms and Kentucky bourbon, then we might escalate.
I mean, I’m close, but I’m tech savvy and willing to just not be on the same social media platforms as other people. Even then, if I want to stream something without sailing the high seas non-American options are limited, although that of course might be different in Europe.
Fun fact, a lot of “American” stuff is filmed in Canada anyway.
Relevant XKCD. (On explainXKCD, because it’s Umwelt)