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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The command structure is what determines separate forces, do the Chechen forces answer to the same command structures? I know from US coalition operations that the foreign forces answer to their own NCO/Officer Corp. Typically, through to the region level and have their own rules and regulations separate from the other nation forces, often operating from their own bases and really only coordinating at the colonel level or above.

    To my understanding, the Chechen forces are barely allowed their own officers at the unit level, much less anything higher. I’m far from an expert on that, though, and may be wrong. If true, I wouldn’t separate them, if false, maybe, as much as the separation of NATO forces in Afghanistan.

  • Economy of scale matters, so does practicality. Which one is generally lasting longer per number of charges and what’s the long term viability of both given the time they were build and the available tech at that time? I totally understand the greater availability of sodium vs lithium. However, will it last? Last time I read much about it, reliability was weak, charge capacity over time dropped drastically, and failures were high. (It has been a couple of years, so things may be changing. )

    Something new and shiney can be nifty, but past that, what is this? It seems like an expensive hood ornament that will rust in the rain. Lithium is expensive and toxic to mine, but so are all metals to some extent, and this has plenty.

    It seems like it’s buying something 25% off on a $100 thing that won’t last well. Sure, you saved $25 once, but you’re buying 3 of them in the same time frame.