He’s got a plan to take down trump.
Checks notes
I think you mean be president.
Oh yeah, it’s an absolute thrill to crash on your friends couches and work menial jobs to buy weed.
Sure he can jump right into the workforce but the guy said he feels like getting released from prison. I’m suggesting he just bum around for a bit.
That’s what the long break is for.
Good job anon. Now take a long break and get back to it when you have your long term goals sorted.
They understand morality only as a concept. They have something different.
No one said anything about malice. Also, if they are observing us chances are their intelligence exceeds our own. So I don’t think they would question it, as the same when I observe an ant or a dog. I might scoff and say it’s stupid but not in a sense that I truly am remarking on their actual intelect.
I’ll try some:
1.) Rules are contingent on how much money you have
2.) Everything should be decided by luck.
3.) Propery must be protected at all costs.
4.) Preforming any sort of labor is disgraceful.
5.) The most qualified people are people you’ve known the longest.
6.) Deception is the most efficient way to gain capital, second only to luck.
If that works i guess. I’d hate there to be anti-clipping or something.
Just to confirm, i guess. Otherwise I could convince myself ending my life would make everyone else’s life better, today, and do it while feeling good about the decision.
Prob the safest bet but I’m wondering if you can determine someone then kinda work your way back.
It’s probably been 15 years since I watched them all. I just don’t imagine I’d get that bored in just 5 years.
Lots of anime. Some cherished games. I feel like i don’t need a while lot of porn. Maybe those 5-6 vids that I currently frequent. That will probably get me through. Other than that; House; maybe all of Stargate but prob would never get to it; HBO watchmen series is totally rewatchable and would probably grab the movie too; bunch of misc horror films; all of law and order. Probably missed some stuff but the biggest loss would be all the new stuff that won’t be released.
This power allows you to change the original timeline.
Sure, yeah. How would you know it worked though?
Well, imagine you’re trying to do the most good. Assuming you can’t take them all out at once because the power doesn’t work that way, maybe it does but how would you know? You would to see how many of these cancers you could knock off before you hit yourself by accident.
It’s not meant to be restrictive. They can be alive today. They just can’t be born after you were born.
Then you find out you were conceived in a trump hotel.
So, he was essentially just producing more of the same and was good at it?