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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Kid gloves for white people; violence for natives.

    Umm… I’m not sure how to approach this, because I’m pretty sure people don’t care about the facts and just want to push whatever political narrative, but here:


    Also man… The freedom convoy was removed, had their accounts frozen, officers that donated to the convoy were disciplined, and docked pay. At the time I compared it against a pipeline protest by native people, and they were both removed in equal time.

    Remember Occupy Wallstreet? Go google Occupy Wallstreet Kettling, and tell me how “handled with kitty gloves” people are.

    The thing I can’t stand about all of this is Natives recieve tons of support, and recognition in Canada. Like dude. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, and I’m not saying there isn’t generational trauma, and other issues, but just as a matter of fact, in Canada under law Natives aren’t given less, they’re given more.

    But fuck reality eh.

  • Personally I’m more concerned about the Spiral of Silence.

    The spiral of silence theory, proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in the 1970s, explains how public opinion is formed and how individuals may withhold expressing their views if they perceive them to be in the minority. This theory is often applied to political and social contexts, including the rise of ideologies like fascism.

    In the context of fascism or any other controversial ideology, the spiral of silence suggests that when people believe their opinions are not widely supported, they tend to remain silent and refrain from expressing their views publicly. This silence, in turn, can create an illusion that the majority supports the prevailing ideology, even if it might not be the case. As a result, individuals who disagree with the ideology might feel isolated and discouraged from speaking out, contributing to the seeming growth and acceptance of the ideology.

    I don’t think people tolerate intolerance so much as they’re scared to speak out.

  • Oh no, I understand perfectly.

    You definitely didn’t considering your responses.

    I said “We should all do our best to comment on various posts that have no engagement to encourage others to engage.”

    You did not say that, you said “The more random ass comments the better”, which I disagree with.

    Two completely different factors. One is a genuine engagement with social media. The other is not.

    If you’re insulted because I implied your comments aren’t genuine, I’m sorry. Genuine is a very subjective word “natural” might have been a better choice. So to reiterate, I really just prefer natural content personally. We don’t need to astroturf the site.

    Not going to continue this conversation when it started on braindead circumstances and is somehow still going downhill. Goodbye.

    Baby I can change… 💙