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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • The DoD will soon be requiring itself and Contractors to start following Rev 5 of the NIST SP 800-53 Risk Management Framework. In this revision are more robust controls for Supply-side security, which the DoD has been trying to incorporate for over 10 years.

    Americans should know that the military and DOD and it’s contractors do their best to purchase authentic hardware from reputable vendors, but there are exceptions and alternate procurement allowances if the need is great and the standard more secure lines are unavailable or simply on back order.

    It’s usually then that some of the fake hardware makes it into use

  • Biden didn’t ask Trump to sell National Security secrets to the Russians.

    Biden didn’t ask Putin to trade those secrets to Iran.

    Biden didn’t ask Iran to use said secrets and launch an attack on Israel to start a war that the U.S. would be forced to support in order to take away resources and attention from Putin’s war in Ukraine.

    But Biden IS a Zionist.

    You can criticize him for his support of Palestinian genocide, and rightly so. But you would be sadly mistaken if you withhold your vote for Biden and allow a Trump Presidency, who would not only continue the Palestinian genocide, but allow a Ukrainian one and a Taiwanese one as well… And perhaps fully and finally bring Totalitarianism to the U.S. since why not, he made it so close on January 6th anyways.

  • Ukraine used to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It dates back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in '91. All of those Russian satellite countries, including Russia itself had to deal with organized crime and oligarchs and the turmoil and discord they sowed.

    This is not a criticism of Ukraine as much as it is an attempt to show those issues don’t just go away in war time, in fact it can extrapolate and make matters much worse as criminals and oligarchs engage in War Profiteering.

    I’m actually quite proud of Ukraine and Zelenskyy for keeping a lid on many of those unsavory elements and leading a very effective war against a foreign invader.

  • I don’t doom scroll.

    I read a copy of my local, still-Independent newspaper free every morning with digital access to my library.

    I vote in every local, State and Federal election.

    I vote Progressive in the Primaries and Democrat in the General.

    I say ‘Yes’ to any/all referendums that Tax the wealthy.

    That’s about all I can do without financially impacting my family or my career. If it was feasible I’d maybe even start attending my Town Hall meetings just to get a barometer reading on my local Council Members.

    Crazy thing is I’m 36yo, and sanity checks have required me to act like a 60yo from the 90s… minus the ‘got mine’ Boomer attitude.

  • It’s aimed at the U.S. Government. There’s been an absolutely massive shift to get to Windows 10, updating systems as old as Windows 2000 to get there. MS advertised Windows 10 as their final OS, eventually backtracking and releasing Windows 11 and will continue to make iterative releases in the future. But for a moment The Government believed it and thought it was a great time to bite the bullet and go all in. Now that most major systems are upgraded to W10, it’s doubtful from my perspective that U.S.G. will be able to support or migrate to W11 or even W12, meaning they will most likely pay a lot of money over many many years to keep MS providing security updates for the W10 platform.

  • In 2016 I started an entry level job in cybersecurity for a small Family-owned defense contractor making $55k. 7 years later in 2023 I’m working at one of the Big 4 defense contractors and I’m making $173K.

    My degree is in criminal justice from a State School.

    As long as you have a 4 year degree, can obtain Secret clearance, and can get CompTIA Security+ any defense contractor on the East or West Coast will take you.

    Yes, I am a cog in the military-industrial complex which makes me part of the problem and not the solution, but I live comfortably and my family is happy, so I’ll sacrifice my morals for them.