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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Piggy backing on this, and I know it’s probably not high on the to do list, considering… But can we get some “not interested” option for communities? I’ve been blocking communities because I’m not interested, and they’re clogging up the all feed (not really enough in my subbed feed to keep things going). But I don’t necessarily want to block a community all the time. There are things I might want to seek out from time to time, but don’t necessarily want showing me all their new posts, either.

  • Adding onto this that Walmart and similarly large companies use what is effectively a planned economy (that rivals or exceeds the size of some actual nations). There is no need for the executives to be making these last minute decisions on stock placement or layoffs or any of the shit they supposedly do. If Walmart transitioned to be employee owned (not through stocks, but actually employee owned), it could maintain the same centralized planned economy nature (since it’s almost entirely run through computers). It could benefit the workers directly, lift the economies of of the communities it existed within, and be an actual force for good in the world. All whole the actual products it sold would be much cheaper because they wouldn’t be supported an ultrarich parasitical class.

    But instead it benefits like 100 people, and the planet gets to burn in response. Yeah, no, it’s not that we don’t understand. It’s that we do. These companies aren’t just bad for their workers, they’re bad for literally everybody.

  • Thankfully! One of the ex marines thought it wasn’t important to bring a firestarter log (creosol log), “I ain’t no pussy.” Left it at the truck, without telling anyone. When we got there, it had snowed for so long, thick, wet snow, that we couldn’t get a fire started. He was an idiot. Same marine, once we finally got the fire started on day 3 was on night watch. While we all slept he pulled a tarp over top of where the fire was to “trap the heat.” Somehow, known only to God, it didn’t catch fire when he FELL ASLEEP ON GUARD, but it did trap the smoke enough that we all woke up coughing. Thankfully we didn’t all die of inhalation. The snow prevented us from making it to lost cove, and we ended up going home without seeing it. Horrible, cursed trip. Lol.