• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Many containers will just sink along with the boat, either because of tie downs or they’re just too dense to float.

    Others however can and will float, generally very low in the water which can cause pretty major hazards to navigation. For this reason, many containers will be fitted with salt plugs that will eventually dissolve and allow water to fill the container which will usually be enough to sink it.

    However, if the container was sufficiently full of buoyant material, or the salt plug fails, they can float around for a very long time. Sometimes these containers will be salvaged, left to float, or sometimes militarys will use them as target practice with the stated aim of trying to sink them.

    As for Lifeboats, generally you want an empty lifeboat to go down with the ship as a bunch of empty lifeboats floating around could draw resources away from the ones with people in them. Plus, most survival craft are pretty securely tied down so that they don’t accidentally release during normal passage or storms.

    Most ships are still fitted with self-release life rafts which are fitted with hydrostatic lines that, if the boat was to sink, the raft would be able to break free, inflate, and rocket to the surface if the ship sinks below a certain depth. These are very common on pleasure craft where the boat can sink quickly and may sink before the crew has a change to prepare the raft.

  • You should try a bunch and see what you really like! The beauty of Linux is there’s so much out there that you’ll almost definitely find one that gels with you.

    A good place to start is Linux mint! The best way I can describe it is a blend of all the best parts of windows 7, 10 and 11 with very few of the downsides. You’ll almost definitely settle in quickly and you might never want to switch as it’s very full featured, snappy and well put together. It was designed for people wanting that Linux experience while still feeling familiar to windows users.

    Another one to try if you love customisability is ZorinOS. There’s a free and paid tier, both of which are excellent with the free tier offering layouts for old and new windows and Mac like experience and the paid tier (only around £30 for a lifetime licence) has layouts and customisability for absolutely everything else and extra tools and options for those that want more of that!

  • Not likely in the near future, probably not feasible in the long term either. It’s not just about recognising an object. You could write a program that recognises a screw but you’d need far more complicated sensors and algorithms to identify the dimensions, specific characteristics, material composition, design specifications, etc, then apply that to every screw, bolt, washer, small component and assembly, tubes, threaded rods, tyres, pistons, brake pads, resistors, capacitors, diodes, seals, consumables, etc.

    For a long time, I think that kind of thing would be wildly inaccurate, hugely expensive, massively complicated, and much less efficient than asking a human to kindly go over there and check all those things manually.