Fuck axel springer_ with its monopoly on news.
ich kam, ich sah, ich ging.
Fuck axel springer_ with its monopoly on news.
Old Thinkpad 😎
And as you called “anti-nuclear people” “anti-vaxxers” I might add that those small nuclear reactors are such a tech bro bullshit.
I can just repeat myself while al of your mentioned facts are facts (although I do not know of any storage anywhere which is save for thousands of years). Of course Nuclear is infinitely better than fossils. The most important thing most people do not talk about however is price per kWh. And if you were to read up on that you would see that Nuclear is pretty bad. Just investing the money in renewables (which Nuclear also is not) gives way more value.
Very unlikely if maintained properly. The other facts are a lot more important. In addition to the most important one of WAY cheaper price per kWh (of Solar/Wind). And one medium important thing: Nuclear plants often rely on a river for cooling. If said river gets to warm/carries to little water the plant may have to shut down (happened a lot in France recently).
How dumb. Solar and Wind are SOO much cheaper per kWh than Nuclear and fossils. With them also comes the benefit of decentralisation. With 1.6B you could install so much more Watts of power with wind turbines and solar parks with the added benefit of less carbon and less nuclear waste and less chance of boom.
It is not about annoyance it is about ease of consumption and indirect smoking which kills.
Sure. And one may argue that that makes it even dumber…
What? If you tax the thing you don’t want and use the money to subside the thing you rather want people will change their habit due to financial insentive?!?? Who could have seen that coming?
Fuck the Commission for removing it. It is so short sighted. Only because something does not provide direct (monetary) benefit it can still provide great (monetary) benefit indirectly.
Paying fascists money is always a good idea.
(SARCASM) #freeItalyFromFacism
Fuck axel springer_
Actually if you are citizen of the EU sign the #taxtherich initiative
If someone were to now tell them that you could actually tax everyone with extraordinary amounts of money to fix all financial problems… Wait
That is incorrect. Most of the people complaining also dislike Merkel for different reasons and disliked her when she was chancellor.
Totally accurate. I don’t mind them dying.
Right… If the people will elect the left, they will get a PM from the right. Makes sense to me. Just a normal president from the center. Nothing to see there.
Fun fact: It is proven to be legal to call Bernd Höcke (the AfD MP candidate) a fascist, because it is true.
This reminds me of Windows Telemetry claiming it is necessary to improve the product. Well, that worked out…