I’d create an actual god with morals of absolute good that rules over humans with an iron fist. Political debates? There’s an objective answer and the god knows it. Do something wrong? Get warned. Do something very wrong? It’s brainwash time.
I’d create an actual god with morals of absolute good that rules over humans with an iron fist. Political debates? There’s an objective answer and the god knows it. Do something wrong? Get warned. Do something very wrong? It’s brainwash time.
If it consoles you, I can explain the reason for that one.
They both come from the verb restaurer (to restore). Restaurant being the present participle in this case. In French, “ant” is equivalent to the English suffix “ing”.
And restaurateur is “one who restores”.
I meant English dialects.
I dunno if it’s the weirdest but “pronunciation” is pretty weird.
Why is it “pronUnciation” but “pronOUnce”?
Is this universal or are there places where they pronounce it closer to its spelling?
The depth of the stupidity of that is incredible to me.
You even get invaded by NPCs with “forbidden words” in their names. Checking whether you own game violates your criteria should be sanity check number one.
Invaded by Recusant Tanith’s Knight! -> works, it’s an NPC
Invaded by Recusant Dark K***ht Richter! -> Ugh.
And since those people keep their names like that, presumably they can’t even tell that their name is being ruined by the game. An extra layer of stupidity.
At least with stupid chat moderation, you can see your messages, so you know how your messages are being ruined and you can adapt to it.
Looks like you’re closer to the truth than I am.
Whoa, my optometrist told me that’s what they are and now I’m really disappointed.
Considering their shape and what you said about them being impossible to observe in visible light… I guess those branch-like pieces are cell organelle fragments instead?
Dang, and here I was excited to be seeing molecules.
Hah, I had the exact reverse experience. For years when I had a delivery they would come by once (of course not staying nearly long enough to allow me to answer the door) and leave a notice saying the package would be at their warehouse the following day starting at 17:00.
The warehouse was pretty far. The round trip would take nearly 2 hours by bus. And since they opening hours weren’t ideal, if I happened to have a class or be otherwise busy the one night of the week they’re open late, well I guess I’d better find a solution, because they’ll only keep it for a week.
I would plead with them. Can you come back? Can you leave it at my door? It’s not even worth that much! I’ll take the risk! No. At least one thing they did agree to do was keep my package a bit longer once when I realized I had absolutely no way of retrieving it in time. But they only gave me two days.
It was only when COVID hit that delivery companies started just leaving packages. Sometimes they just wouldn’t tell you at all about it, and you’d have a surprise when you’d open the door and hit your foot on a surprise package, if you hadn’t kept up with the tracking.
Some people complained, because they were scared someone would steal their stuff, but I was so glad they were careless. I’ve worked from home ever since COVID.
Finally, I can order a thing and actually receive it at home.
Those are so cool. They’re the only way (I know of) that you can see molecules with your naked eye. Actual molecules! That’s practically at the level of atoms, and you can see that microscopic stuff!
**Edit: they are not, in fact, molecules. See replies for more info. **
Also red blood cells. It’s pretty cool that if you stare at the sky (not the sun; please not the sun) you can sometimes see red blood cells move in the back of your eye. Single cells! Amazing.
They are a lot more obvious if you look at bright surfaces, such as the sky, so one factor may be that you’re not outside as much.
I don’t think they’re supposed to go away; rather the contrary, but who knows.
One thing I do know though: if the amount increases noticeably, it could be a sign of something bad, so get that checked out.
How would you tackle that? Unless you build a really intelligent system that’s allowed to interpret and reword and understand the significance (or lack thereof) of emojis in context, it sounds tough. Like, generally speaking, you just wouldn’t be able to tell how important an emoji is to the message, when writing an algorithm.
They have alcohol at airports? That’s so weird.
There can be a lot of reasons for that, but too much internet wouldn’t be my first idea. Histrionic tendencies, autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, etc.
Well that’s what I get for not checking my info!
Thanks for the correction.
They got paranoid about nuclear and closed down all their nuclear plants. They intensified fossil fuel power production because they didn’t have enough renewable power. Then prices went up due to the war end they had an oh shit moment.
Elden Ring. Welp, at least I guess i revive on death now?
It must have been over 5 years ago. It turned me off. The culture there was so painful. People would refuse to answer a question just because they deemed the premise of your question unacceptable. Or even recommend you change your whole project’s language.
It was like that both in questions and in chat. I never tried again.
I wish you were wrong. But…
That might be good. With text to speech getting as good as it’s getting, it’s probably getting in the realistic territory, too.