First thing that comes to mind is if finger print wouldn’t be safer option but then I remembered that episode of myth busters.
First thing that comes to mind is if finger print wouldn’t be safer option but then I remembered that episode of myth busters.
Olive mushroom pizza is my go to pizza.
Did exactly this with an old laptop and use to mainly for tv and occasionally browsing when staying at our hut/cottage? Still bit slow but works.
2010s replaceable battery phones: look what they need to mimic fraction of our power.
Gary! There’s a bomb strapped to my chest and it’ll explode unless you take a bath! Boom.
That looks like Minecraft enchantments.
Nice, didn’t know that. Now just the storage but that’s matter of time or maybe it already is. The biggest probably is getting all the cameras upgraded but that also just needs time I assume.
Scariest video I watched was someone literally blowing their brains out with shotgun on a couch. Another regret would be reading Mai-chan’s Daily Life it was brutal but couldn’t stop reading for some reason just terrible. I do not recommend reading it .
I mean it’s just matter of priority I suppose, if something is relatively cheap and effective there’s no need to invest into 4k or higher quality cameras. Especially when you don’t have the storage for a week of footage or few days that loop over each other. But that’s just my assumption, if 4k becomes the norm and storage gets bigger and cheaper we might see good quality security footage.
Currently trying this, there was a meetup in my city but I learned about it too late and second one I was sick, also went to animefest a city over but I was too shy to talk to people, had a friend introduce me to some of their friends but I did not really click with them I’m not that into pokemon like they are but it was still fun. It sucks that people live far apart.
That would require them to think long term and logically , Also i assume lots of companies would not like that they won’t be able to get as much profit.
Don’t get me wrong I definitely agree but there’s just so much things that would work better, be cheaper more efficient and better for the environment but that would cost money and not make much profit. Sometimes I have hope people will get fed up with this BS and change happens but mostly I’m skeptical.
All kinds mainly automation but also love tf2. Factorio, timber born, fallout, space engineers, valheim,
This would be great, now just to find some extrovert that would adopt me.
All my hobbies are inside, gaming, movies, anime, tv shows, cooking/baking. Was looking into some larp club but there are only for kids and teenagers.
Seeing this just makes me want a tv that is just a monitor, no crap you just plug in your own thing whatever you want.
It might not be as polished and pretty but I prefer the simplicity and focus on just doing the thing it was made to do. Medilog is perfect example for this I’d say, it basically just storing text nothing fancy just regular inputs and calculates BMI. But best is I don’t have to deal with internet connection and having an account cuz it’s all just stored locally and that’s why I love lots of Foss stuff it’s just simple and doesn’t need account and internet access depending what app it is. Still discovering Foss bus so far am very pleased.
Anxiety sucks, or is there different reasons why I don’t have irl friends?
I just read the comments.
And not just any water, water that tastes like the food in it plus bones.
S4.E16 Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2 They were testing different security systems and how to trick them.