Lol, this explanation is about as plausible as the “threat” of strangers offering me free drugs (which I must definitely say no to, rofl).
Lol, this explanation is about as plausible as the “threat” of strangers offering me free drugs (which I must definitely say no to, rofl).
Ffs, money really is evil, and more monies are more evil.
Just imagine using your money not in exchange for getting even more money …
Anything that feeds on itself is bound to be sinister.
Just promote and support loops, ya bastard.
Babe, my fuse is perfectly measured, it’s normal I can’t contain myself for longer.
Oh, that self-perpetuating evil machine seems to check out, yeah.
Lol, yeah, bcs they are afraid of the unlubricated dildo of financial consequences.
Huh, it might depend on the crime but not having computer/internet access for the entire prison time seems wild. I’m guessing he is not from a country that would allow him to have a normal job whilst in prison (again, depending on crime type).
Oh no, Metas profits!! How will they live in a slightly better world now?
Sounds like some epic rhythmic banger
I wouldn’t have read tips irl either, but if it paused irl life, well, I’m taking a long nap.
It’s not the outside, it’s how one is inside that counts.
See, what I’m saying is, anyone can be a big dommy mommy!
Great, systemic dismantling of the straight male education just doesn’t stop …
- what MS, LG, Samsung think their buyers be like
- doors ding open
- me: OCUPATO!!
So some hairy ass taking a long shit on the left,
and a cock, & balls with nips on the right?
Whoa, he got the rich to pay taxes.
Not government taxes tho.
Why tf does op masturbate in secret?
A healthy family doesn’t keep secrets from each other!
Also buy a dryer, she obviously doesn’t get stuck very often.
He needed a lot of healthy teeth to construct that groundbreaking ass dentures in order for her twerking to produce the same sound as: