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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023

  • It is offered with an outstretched arm, which is similar to other fascist, right-wing extremist organizations, and represents a stylized wolf’s head: the outstretched fingers are the ears, the other fingers form the snout. The deceased founder Alparslan Türkeş, who is worshipped as Başbuğ, is mystically revered.

    Grey Wolves is the name given to Turkish right-wing extremists such as members of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) or the Great Unity Party (BBP). They have committed numerous acts of violence and murders in the past, especially in the 1970s.

    In Germany, the party is represented by three umbrella organizations, which include around 303 clubs nationwide with more than 18,500 members. This makes it the largest right-wing extremist organization in Germany.

  • How do you solve the discoverability issue? A platform gives you some place where people could stumble upon you, while a website is an island in the middle of an ocean that people have to actively browse to. Do you crosspost your new work now more to get the word seen by others? I find it hard to believe that people would like to browse to x different websites to see if an artist has new works, only to find out that they don’t. For finding new artist a central place or a feed, like a platform can provide, seems to be nearly impossible to replace.

  • As mentioned above: those time lasted for 5-8 years, was 70 years ago and was a achievement by the soviet union, not russia. When the brightest minds from poland, ukraine and kasakzhan come together, great things can be achieved. Russia alone was never and will never achieve goals like that on their own. Unions can achive big things when well educated people from different cultural backgrounds come together like in the US or EU. Imagine what a pacified, organized annd educated middle east Union from Egypt over Teheran to Kashga could come up with. Maybe in the third quarter of this century. Or in the next century.

  • That was not russia. That was the soviet union. People always forgot how rich the education and science was because the brightest minds from poland, over ukraine to kazakh came together. They were not all russians. Big parts of the russian culture when it comes to music and ballet were significantly shaped and directed by ukrainian born artists. You should not make the mistake to think the soviet union was russia. That is what Putin wants people to think - including their own citizens.

  • That would be a nice claim if they developed the area they already own to an extend that could be described as „amazing“. The reality is, nothing is this country is amazingly developed. Not the actual ground. Not the education. Not the social structures. Not the rights of the citizens. There is no plan, no idea and no concept to use the already existing sprawling land to develop it into something great. There is no vision, only autocracy.

    Instead what this claim means is two fold:

    1. Putin desperately wants to export the “russian system” of disillusionment into the world. Putin wants to transform the area around his country into a fertile soil for his ideology to make his (flawed) system becoming an accepted modus operandi.

    2. For a big part of Russians citizens, it is important to identify their Russian country as on par with a world power like China or the US. The “big war” of 1945 and its outcome shaped the understanding of Russians for decades on how they view themself and their country. There is nothing to be proud of other than that “they won the war”. Nothing in the last 80 years comes close to it. Especially after the fall of the Soviet Union. The claim in OP picture is therefore a deposit into that mindset, that russia is great and their influence (like China and the US) do not stop at the border. The only difference is: China and the US would never say this loud. It is counter productive for the goal to openly admitting that. But russia has to openly tell it, as their real tractions and gains in that regard are minimal and can only be made visible by stating that they are indeed on par with the other super powers - even though they were not even able to logistically manage a war just in their neighboring country. Their influence rapidly drops with the distance. Georgia, Syria and Ukraine are the most the can fight in. For Africa only light infantry can be supplied. There are no big bases, no logistic hubs in geopolitical strategic places crafted in the last 100 years in foreign diplomacy. Yet, because of that, is is important for russia to just pretend all that. For the believe in their greatness.