Why, a hexvex of course!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You definitely have a point; informing and evangelising are closer than we’d like to admit. Then again, the messenger is often as important as the message - in the case of the vegan debate too many folks choose the moral option rather than the pragmatic one.

    As a species, we find it hard to empathise with the death of our own at massive scales, why would we be capable of doing it for organisms we were brought up to consider food?

    However, almost all of us are on a massively reduced budget, it’d be a shame if folks shared delicious recipes that can be made cheaply and just so happen to be vegan right?

    The next best thing for a non-vegan to do isn’t to switch right away, it’s to start finding vegan things you enjoy more than meat!

  • The best thing for a vegan to do is to keep being a vegan. Seriously, just keep on doing it.

    It doesn’t mean evangelise, it doesn’t mean denigrate, it means just carry on doing what works for you.

    If you’re insulting other folks, or trying to push a lifestyle, odds are folks don’t dislike you because you’re vegan.

  • Ehh, I have a different vision here - AI is useful, it’s just going down the hypermonetisation path at the moment. It’s not great because your data is being scraped and used to fuel paywalled content - that is largely why most folks object.

    It’s, also, badly implemented, and is draining a lot of system resource when plugged into an OS for little more than a showy web search.

    Eventually, after a suitable lag, we’ll see Linux AI as the AI we always wanted. A local, reasonable resource intense, option.

    The real game changer will be a shift towards custom hardware for AIs (they’re just huge probability models with a lot of repetitive similar calculations). At the moment, we use GPUs as they’re the best option for these calculations. As the specialist hardware is developed, and gets cheaper, we’ll see more local models and thus more Linux AI goodness.

  • At this point, I can use Linux for most things except older fangames, reliable printing (seriously, cups is pain), and some mmorpgs.

    Once I get a month without the university shitting its pants and changing policy overnight, I’ll eat the learning curve and switch (actually learn to troubleshoot wine rather than relying on searches).

    When I move, thinking mint with cinnamon because I love that desktop.

  • What is life but a lottery?

    A lot of the drive towards AI is people thinking to save a quick buck, but longer term that places them in a very unsteady position themselves.

    All products end up being for “shareholder value”, and AI will be no different. Someone will find an enshittification vector and run with it.

    Suddenly, that “quick buck” becomes a monthly subscription that costs more than the people fired. Company data is harvested and sold, customers are advertised out, the shittiness of the system becomes a company problem.

    So we’re either going to see a stark change away from the current shareholder value model (about as likely as world peace), or we’re going to see a lot of CEO seppuku. Win win really.