I mean no harm.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • permanently attached USB SSDs are supposed to be mounted

    Just mount them somewhere under / device, so if a disk/mount fails the mounts depended on the path can´t also fail.

    I keep my permanent mounts at /media/ and I have a udev rule, that all auto mounted media goes there, so /mnt stays empty. A funny case is that my projects BTRFS sub-volume also is mounted this way, although it is technically on the same device.

  • For example, the new .config directory in the home directory.

    I hope slowly but surely no program will ever dump its config(s) as ~/.xyz.conf (or even worse in a program specific ~/.thisapp/; The ~/.config/ scheme works as long as the programs don’t repeat the bad way of dumping files as ~/.config/thisconfig.txt. (I’m looking at you kde folks…) A unique dir in .config directory should be mandatory.

    If I ever need to shed some cruft accumulated over the years in ~/.config/ this would make it a lot easier.

  • They could be very well using the earth’s orbit around the sun to get better resolution - two data points from opposite sides of the orbit. What I know is that the largest “virtual” radiotelescope is literally the size of earth. The data points are synced with atomic clocks (or better), and a container of harddrives gets shipped into a datacenter to be ingested. Thats hundreds of streams (one per antenna) of data to be just synced up, before the actual analysis even can begin. (I’m just guessing after this) At this point, you have those hundreds (basically .wav files) lined up at timepoints they were sampled (one sample, one timepoint column). So row by row, so you can begin to sort out signal phase differences between the source rows.

    I.e to put it shortly: an image is not taken, it is inferred and computed. Not that you even could in the first place, it’s a blackhole after all.

  • Basic science knowledge why water is not-so-good idea on lithium-fires:

    • Lithium oxidizes the air alone and can self-ignite.
    • It is one of the few metals that can react with Nitrogen (N2) and CO2 in the air. So it will continue to react even if all oxygen is depleted from the fire.
    • Water + Lithium => Hydrogen => kaboom.

    This means you have a “two-legged fire triangle” situation. The only way to stop the fire is to cool it down with something that it doesn’t react with (sand), since you can’t entirely remove the surrounding air. So the best option is really to just bury the thing in a sand pile.

    The fact there is a ton of energy charged in a battery pack basically ensures all of the lithium will react if the battery shorts. If you ever see one puffing or rapidly heating up, you have maybe 5 seconds left to yeet the battery or the scene.

  • Yes, It’s horrible, and can lead to minimizing any responsibilities you have. Even if you consciously want to accept a new responsibility/task, and have pre-planned how to do it well; Yet, you’ll struggle to keep the promise to yourself. Self-blame will only make it worse.

    Near the deadline the brain has (at best) already done all the work subconsciously, and you only to manifest the thing into reality. Don’t doubt this, trashing the subconscious work is the worst thing you can do to yourself in a such situation.

    (I’m not 100% sure I’m talking about the same subject, but anyway.)

  • The https://ektoplazm.com/ is still up, though with archive mode and a rate-limit. Please clone it. One day I’ll start a process that I’ll not regret, while I/you can.

    I have a puny 30GiB slice of it, and it’s the best thing that I have. All for free. Non-pirated. (the owner has reported the total space consumed is multiple a 1TB)

    Btw, Infected is making a gig in my town. And I’m struck with disbelief of the absurdity of it. Here? no way. Bust a move will be my vain. If I could inhale it I would.

  • A dum question: if both candidates are unable to function, then what happens? (Trump for his crimes, Biden for getting dementia…)

    Meanwhile in Finland: the Finnish version of “build the wall”:

    Parliament’s Administrative Committee will not resume its discussion of the Refoulement Act until after the weekend. The committee is still so far behind schedule that it could not complete its work today. The debate on the bill continued during the committee meeting, which started at 5 p.m. but ended quickly. Peltokangas says there was no drama at the meeting. yle.fi

    The bill needs 5/6 parliamentary approval and politicians are already sweating over it because it touches too many international treaties + constitution. Debate is mostly: is it ready yet? is it ready yet? is it ready yet? (While the committees checking the bill are getting more uneasy by the bill’s content…)

    Also you got link text and url backwards.

    Oops, fixed.