• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • JayEchoRay@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldany tips for playing CDDA
    11 days ago

    Hope this cross-post works


    Although, if I had to think of beginner tips - knowing the keyboard shortcuts help a ton in getting familar with the game and one can use the “enter” key until you get use to it

    I personally learnt by using the starting scenario of the shelter to get familiar with getting the basics of water purification, food sustainability and crafting going and camped out in the shelter and get my crafting up to scratch.

    I know that I started to enjoy taking advantage of the weaker zombies in the early game and try and find a small town and try clear it out for a nice cushion to get one up to have a lot of raw material on hand, but that is more when one is more confident in the ability to handle zombies and found a style of play one enjoys


    There is another one on the !cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml instance, but it is not my post but here is it is https://lemmy.world/post/1796938

  • Noita, a precedurally-generated fully destructible, with physics, pixel-graphics action rogue-like game where you play as a mage going through the various layers of a dungeon with the use of your spells that one can spell mix and match with a wand system that can provide the player with interesting and wacky spell combinations.

  • I am surprised no one has spoke about the mutli-launch fatman launcher? - Fallout 3

    Quests I found interesting- limiting myself 7 points

    Fallout 3 :

    • Republic of Dave is a fun diversion
    • Agatha’s Song add another radio channel if I can recall
    • Working for the slavers and getting everyone on their list
    • Dunwich building
    • Killing all Behemoths
    • Bobblehead collection
    • Deciding what to do with the Declaration of Independace

    Fallout New Vegas

    • White Glove Society
    • Sunset Sarsaparilla
    • Collecting snowglobes
    • Michelangelo quest
    • Red Lucy’s Quest
    • A decision with Euclid’s C-Finder
    • Vicky and Vance Missing Gun

    Fallout 2 recommendation

    • Had to really earn brotherhood of steel trust
    • Has a whole new play style at “brain dead” low intelligence level
    • Mysterious hooded stranger on a bridge
    • Can have a car
    • Can build your own super brain bot buddy
    • Meet an unlucky dog
    • Get a deathclaw companion

  • There might have been an misunderstanding, the ninja squad that attack Higan’s home show how with the first ninja they killed how they take advantage of openings, and how pony tail guy likes to come in after the “fodder” ninja weaken the target. That squad has been killing ninjas in that area from the news reports.

    Back to Mari, she was probably disabled in a moment of weakness between killing ninja and trying to protect her child, with that the pony tail ninja( probably killed the child and threw him at Mari) waited for higan and stabbed Mari in front of him to make an opening.

    I mean it did work as the “fodder” ninja was able to sneak up and stab Higan

    The leader ninja forbade Zai from fighting with his old team( which Zai considered at one time family) and seems something like a retainer or right hand man( who knows the reason, besides the trope of friend turn rival showdown).

    Zai seems to be blind and I am curious how that happened between present day and that betrayal. It all depends how they flesh it out, I mean sure it is tropey, but it doesn’t have to have the best writing as the action scenes do a lot of the heavy lifting for the show.

    Also the Auzu( who the head is obsessed with data collection - possible ninja AI learning ) acting independent and in an alliance with Ninja seems to show some friction.

    There is an interesting thing I noticed with episode 5, but that is reserved for that topic I am sure.

    It might be rough on the technical details but, for me, it is “logically consistent” enough that I am interested where and how the story will unfold

  • I thought the episode showed Mari is hesitant when it comes killing children ( mother and child she hesitated so she isn’t completely cut off from her empathy), the most likely thing that happened is like how they stabbed Higan, they probably grabbed the child, while the mother was killing ninja and either killed the child or threw the child at her and in the moment she tried to protect, they took advantage?

    Zai is specifically instructed not to engage Higan, so there must be some reason that will be explored later I am sure, as they are still willing to try kill him.

    Found it interesting how their is tension between the Ninja and Auzu, so there is probably something cooking there too

    Only thing I can think about the arts is that it is tied to a ninja until death and until they are dead it cannot be used,I don’t know maybe it will be explained. I mean the ninja boss was there at Higan and Co’s Ninja ceremony.

    It isn’t perfect but it does carry enough weight until the next action set which I am satisfied with

  • spoiler

    It was watching like a train wreck in slow motion, I ended up just going along for the ride to see how far this rabbit hole would go I really tried to be trigger disciplined in the beginning only firing after the point of a negotiation seemed impossible and before I knew it I caught up in this zoned out mentality - no decision is right, all that matter is the mission, just trying to survive and just devolved into killing on sight and in scenes that feel like it is out of some fever dream - still remember that “lights out” section as someone in some sort animalistic fight or flight zone blinking and someone just appears in front of you

    I guess it stuck with me how the main character kept making excuses and blaming someone else for all the problems and by the end of it and you see that scene with the chair looking out at Dubai and see that “I caused this” and with that call backs to the the choices and saw how it all was just some “cope” it kind of stuck with me

  • Spoilers



    My interpretation and granted it is probably a bit shaking as I havent played in a long time is:

    I personally found spec ops interesting into the slow descent into darkness, how your team is professional in the beginning and over time they become savage, to the point of blood thristiness, their animations changes, their speech, mannerisms and their models get gradually worn down.

    You do actions but over time you think wait - am I really doing the right thing, like if you decide to help the cia guy, you find out you’ve been played and just destroyed the water supply for a whole area that is in desparate need of it, this come back to haunt you later on when an angry mob catches up to one of your team. I still remember feeling vindictive of hearing my teammate scream in panic and fear as I was rushing to get to him

    Then to get there and see him murdered and and an angry mob looking for blood, my first reaction was vengeance not orderly dispersal…

    The character and the remaining team mate gunned down civilians mercilessly because I felt outrage at them killing one of my own… and the crowd had just cause to be pissed as your rag tag band of misfits have been blowing up commiting warcrimes after to warcrimes justifiying it to some “greater cause”

    As you play the game even the loading screen are questioning you if you are enjoying yourself and nothing is stopping you from continuing to play. It is quite in your face to say that what you are doing is wrong, but if you keep playing and by finishing the game you are justifying the main characters actions, you are complicit in the acts of violence as you the player are determined to see the game to the end just as he is

    Their original mission was to just scout… and it somehow turned into this Dubai tour de violence because the main character believes that there was a radio call from someone he idolised

    If I recall there is that scene at the end that shows all the bullshit, the hanged men, the voice on the radio your character thinks they see and hear is in their head - they have severe ptsd, and have “main character hero syndrome” and none of the game would have happened if they just followed orders


  • I enjoyed

    • “One Shot”, it has a few achievements that might require going back to try to complete.

    It is puzzle top down story adventure game( it does the whole look into your actual files for solutions thing), once I finished the main story I felt satisified. It allows for playing after the ending but doing so feels hollow and unsatisifying which is the point. It asks the question of why do you still want to play, but oh well I will allow it and makes it possible.

  • I agree on a lot of points, although it seems I have a more pacifist outlook while you have a more active outlook which if I am honest does more for progress.

    I see freedom of speech - in the general sense - as a means to be able to express yourself and your opinions and I feel that if people could express that without outright spreading a feeling of hatred and rage then I feel pretty much anything goes within reason. As even innocuous well meaning ideas can lead to dangerous outcomes.

    That doesn’t mean people should expect the status quo, but sometimes I look at chimps and their “gang wars” and think we aren’t that much different sometimes.

    For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

    We are primed to respond most strongly with hatred and rage… perhaps some deep primitive instinct and that gets taken advantage of.

    Humans nature seems to be a violent one and if I look at history it is unfortunately violence that seems to be the most effective means to get through our thick human psyche to advance. Ancient Egypt, Alexander’s Legacy, Rome’s rise and fall, The Crusades, French Revolution, British Empire, American Independence, The World Wars.

    We are forever doomed to repeat history it seems until history can no longer repeat

    It is like humanity must experience great suffering and that suffering must reach a tipping point before we as a collective species change

    What the next big tipping point will be that forces a change, if we last that long, I don’t know as well

  • Okay an example if I must provide one

    I feel according to brief look at American constitution in spirit if the Founding Fathers that governement should be neutral in religious matters and people have the freedom of religious choice without being discriminated against while still in the spirit of freedom and comradie not resort some sort of cannibal death cult.

    The people have the freedom of choice, however the government must not be swayed and run by one motivating group or factor in the spirit of the writing how the British wished to exert their power and influence to control the then original 13 states

    I also feel that again in spirit of what they wrote something like abortions shouldn’t be banned unless there was some catastrophic failure rate where government must intervene to prevent people from commiting suicide by doing so.

    I am going to get flak by writing it but I believe that abortion can be made a case when it is ill advised at a certain point or if the if the parents decide that a birth is too dangerous, to be able to abort at a late stage.

    By my limited understanding is that if doctors want to choose not to abort then are then in their right to do so if it is not life threatening. The government should not interfere but instead make it clear that individual practioners are under no obligation to help you if they strongly believe they don’t believe in it and within reasonable circumstance and that those that do wish to go with it should be given the option to instead of shutting them down.

    But ultimately it should be the individuals choice to choose even if it is a bad choice and the unfortunate burden of guilt should be shouldered on an individual. I feel that is the freedom that was intended