following in the footsteps of Yevgeny Prigozhin
Another Moscow march? <3
Unlikely to help you, but in Poland you can use local “Blik” payments with NFC from your bank app, without Google Pay.
It’s actually more of a UniversalBlue for RHEL. Silverblue is atomic and rpm-ostree based but doesn’t boot directly into container images.
They should setup their own Matrix server and not rely on 3rd parties like that.
No, this is fucked up. It is a “card of stay” for foreigners. It implies that Bóbr Kurwa does not have Polish citizenship.
although setup on Linux is weird
Works fine with Gluetun!
Seeing all the videos on how russian soldiers are treated by their superiors, was the AFU vehicle just a plausible deniability?
Do you want to have a single UI for multiple clients?
Just use Arch in a Distrobox on Fedora or openSUSE. That’s the best of both worlds.
too much spyware
That’s just capitalist propaganda. There is no spyware! That’s just innocent telemetry!
Why do you want to criminalize having fun?
If we want to declare war against the naZis, then why limiting ourselves to skies only? (no-fly zone means joining the war openly).
I think companies should get some credit for putting their workers on the front page.
I was listening a podcast about Ukraine using MCLCs and I thought that potential use of CMS for humanitarian/defensive reasons is noncredible enough to be posted here :)
American cluster bombs have only 2% failure rate. Given that Ukrainian lands are full of ruSSian mines, could cluster bombs be used for demining fields? Sappers would have much less work to do with defusing only those 2% which failed to explode.
wonder if pillar got damaged this time
It was hit by naval drones, so I think it would have to be pillar damage :)
Yep, you need to listen to Agalloch now.