Random Joe, or should I say… GNU/Joe

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2021


  • As many people mentioned backups before, I would only add this: Maybe check -in your favourite search engine- if the very same model of computer that you use doesn’t have know quirks (hardware needing some tweaking, not being fully recognized, etc.) with gnu/linux, like for instance searching “$model linux” or “$model $distro” (with the distros you plan on trying, etc.

    Also maybe if you connect only via Wifi, check that wifi chip for compatibility first, and maybe get as a backup a USB wifi dongle that is know to work on gnu/linux… juuuust in case ;)

  • You and I remembered different things about these emails. I asked if we really had to source and quote them to find out who is right and who is wrong.

    There is no “horror” in DNC emails. just evidence of crass corruption and cynicism from Clinton’s campaign.

    So wait, are you saying there is nothing significant in the Podesta emails… while at the same time the would have “made Trump elected”? :)

    Some of the substance of the emails summarized here: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/10/us/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-wikileaks.html

    • The speech of Clinton at Wall Street is one of the most devastating because she actually lied and used double speech all the way
    • The efforts to undermine Sanders are despickable
    • Inflating Trump campaign, of all GOP candidates, is both dumb, cynical and short-sighted.

    But again that’s only the bits i personally remember from (reading) the emails.

    All I said is:

    • this was newsworthy and of general interest;
    • any journalist like Assange, if given authentic, unaltered material of general interest has a duty to publish them. (that’s called journalism);
    • there is no evidence that WikiLeaks knew their source was from RU intel (if it was). It was said many time the organisation functioned in such way that they cannot know the identity of their sources, and anyone who has ever been in the business of source protection would confirm it is a smart principle.

    To other fantasy claims that “WL had the GOP emails too but decided not to published them lol” i replied “haha wait what?!” and was presented with meak links about “GOP got ‘hacked’ period” with no trace of email being transmitted to whoever.

    Now please go on barking about my nickname, changing topic or whatever.


  • Wow that agressiveness :))

    In that article (first time i heard of GOP being hacked I read

    " Comey later added that “there was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC, meaning old emails they weren’t using. None of that was released.”

    Comey said there was no sign “that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.” "

    So yeah “GOP being hacked” big deal. not “GOP emails were sent to WikiLeaks who decided not to publish it” which is indeed raw made up bullshit.

    Also, according to


    “Ms Brazile took over at the DNC when its former chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz over hacked emails which revealed the party establishment’s favouritism towards Mrs Clinton.”

    I never claimed the DNC undermined Sanders in the primary. That Clinton campaign undermined Sanders, it’s very different…

    Do you really want we go and search in the Podesta emails to see who is right here?

    What else? Assange caused global warming? Cause the US to let their pants down in Afghanistan? Assange has weapons of mass destructions? What else to justify the unjustifiable, all these violations of international and national rights, violations of human rights, mis-use of the US espionnage act against a non-US citizen and precedent that will affect all journalism? Maybe Assange caused UAPs…