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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Imo, a big part of what I am seeing now stems from a lack of proper history and or civics education. I went to school in Texas, my whole education up to college we were taught that the U.S. was this beacon of good and positive things, there was an intentional effort to misrepresent Texas and U.S. history in a way that minimized slavery, racisim, and the genocide of the native population of the U.S. In short, it was a bullshit whitewashed fantasy novel. We should be saying:

    “The United States did some really horrifying shit in the distant past, the recent past, and is still doing it today, those are the facts. We should try to do better than we are doing, and part of that is recognizing where we as a country came from, good and bad, so we can do better. You students are not bad people by default for living or being born here but you need to realize that fetishizing this country as the greatest country in the world and intrinsically linking YOUR identity to that of a false vision of a flawed nation, is hugely problimatic, especially when you base that identiy on the ideals of manifest destiny or other weird and/or rascist ideals.”

    When you separate the current individual from the history, and say this was/is the U.S. but it doesn’t have to be YOU or the U.S. of the future, people are more receptive of hearing the bad. That is not to say we should minimize the awful things in our past and current, just that if a young kid is shamed, intentionally or unintentionally, they are more likely to fall into fringe and radical ideas and seek validation for them.

    That doesn’t help the brainwashed/backwards people who want to revert the country to the good ole days though.

    The other thing that was really fundamental for me from good history teachers and professors was the way that they linked historical events with current events. That has been explicitly outlawed in Florida iirc and likely Texas too, this state does so much backwards shit though, I can’t keep up with all of it.

    We probably also need to remind people that facts don’t care about their feelings, there isn’t a such thing as alternative history, and that’s just the end of it, there is no room for denying the horrors of slavery, the Holocaust, or any of the other numerous fucked up things in history. They happened, we have to remember that to prevent it from happening again.

  • Currently working in oil and gas again after trying really hard to get away from that after working in a related industry for the last 10 years. I have mixed feelings about it, but my commute went from 75 miles/day to 3, I get to spend 3+ more hours a day with my family, and I am paid more. The benifits for me, monetarily, my personal environmental impact, and on my mental/family health are worth the compromise of how my work impacts the world. At the end of the day, my chair would be filled with someone else if it wasn’t me. I am happy that because it is me, I am limiting my envionmental impact even if I don’t agree with the industry.