I’m just here for the free vacation.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • Foraging. Don’t eat random shit from the wild without IDing it (intelligently, not just with AI apps), but also don’t listen to the scary stories and harsh warnings. Dying by plant (or mushroom) poisoning is very rare, most bad eats will give you the trots and you’ll be fine a day later. It’s easy to find good foods without stress, and while a professional guide can help, there are SO many books that have virtually the same info. Start with local, easy foods like leafy greens, nibble small amounts and wait 24 hours, and you’ll start seeing how simple and attainable forging is.

  • I’ve been keeping my mind busy, learning actionable skills and survival stuff. I am learning foraging, growing food, I’ve made a real decision to not reserve my happiness for retirement, as that day isn’t guaranteed but today is. I convert the worry into little reminders about how today is the most important time to do the thing. I live immediacy and radical self reliance. I recycle, upcycle, reuse, buy second hand, adopt, occasionally dumpster dive, and reduce my negative impact on the planet. I donate to charities that help people in crisis, so more people can enjoy today while they have it. Also, instead of anxious, I get high.

  • After working overseas, I went travelling. I tried to book in at a popular hostel but it was booked up, and the second best one only had co-ed dorms. Booked into one of those and the dude in the room greeted me with “THIS ROOM IS FULL, MY FRIENDS ARE IN THOSE BUNKS, SORRY”. I went back to the desk to check and they told me two people left that morning. I went back and told him “your friends left you, I’m your friend now”. Later I bought beers and offered him one. We played cards. We eventually kissed a bit. I went home to the UK.

    6 months later I saw a ridiculously cheap flight and booked it. Told him, and wasn’t sure he’d come meet me at the airport, but he was waiting at the bottom of the escalator. We spent two weeks together and it was magical. I flew home again and decided to return in the summer. For the next two years I flew back and forth until eventually we moved in. Six years later we married in the park where we took our first walk together. We posed for photos in the dorm where we met. This year we got tattoos, both with a little symbol to represent the room number.

    I’d travel the world 600 times over to find him if I had to. At our wedding I talked about how saying yes to opportunities led me to him, and I still believe strongly in the power of yes. I love him so much.