Clearly the only correct answer is dead or alive extreme beach volleyball.
Buncha queers in here or something SMH.
Clearly the only correct answer is dead or alive extreme beach volleyball.
Buncha queers in here or something SMH.
If you’re too sissy to use a screwdriver, you can always use a punch. Those are the true bottoms of the tool chest, made to be used hard and put away filthy.
Pornography is never bad news. Normalize more pornography in your life
In the words of Brennan, laws are just threats made by the socioeconomic elite and enforced by the slave catcher class (police).
You just gotta make the number go up. EZ
For some reason it won’t let me post the actual last pic on my phone, which is a yucky rotor I cleaned up and tested at work today. Maybe because it’s from the camera? Idk. That’s the most recent it would let me post
Vermintide 2 dlc where Saltzpyre gets a piglet as a hat. Best goddamn $5 I’ve ever spent on dlc. His little legs and his butt wiggle around when you move and ofc the purity seals are on point.
Also way back in DCUO when fire tank was busted AF I kept summoning fireballs that I would then Chuck into my buddy trying his best to actually complete whatever task we were doing.
Also Also max difficulty helldivers 2 against the robots on Mavelon Creek. It was a struggle to survive more than 10 seconds out of the drop pod and it was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever played.
Good start, but change them all to “by testicular/ovarian devastation” and then write in the names of every billionaire on earth followed by their closest relatives out to about 3 degrees of separation.
Might even fix some overcrowding
Every one of these RDR2 posts about the horse in the last morgan mission makes me mad more people aren’t posting about Agro from Shadow of the Colossus
Only thing you can do is Chuck it and pick up a superior instrument, like a bass. Maybe a hurdy gurdy if you’re feeling adventurous
Doesn’t an ionic air moving system like this put out a big ass EM field?
Im a fabricator who don’t fuck with the lecky, but maybe someone more educated than me can explain why this doesn’t wipe your memory every time the cooling kicks on
Apparently you just have to kill a ceo in public and dozens of cops will come make sure you don’t get suicided before the state does it.
I don’t remember specifically but iirc a lot of clips are found when you search for “inara firefly fate” or “inara firefly ending”
Yeah my primary memories of that show were everything was dark and nothing on the ship worked.
I used to think like you, then I saw some sit down with joss whedon and the rest of the cast where he talked about where the series would have gone if it hadn’t been axed by Fox after the first season, and man it was a WEIRD talk. Joss started going on about the eventually fate of Inara and not only was it super harsh, but Joss kept giving Inara’s actor the creepiest looks and I sware on me mum the whole table got skeeved out.
Honestly made me appreciate Serenity that much more as the cap to the series
Wah. SGU is a hot take. What did you like about it?
Never heard this take before but KoA:R is a bards tale level RPG. Nothing even remotely hardcore, but not balanced for children either.
Discipline is a core tenant of righteous hatred. I feel no enmity for anyone of French descent. I just hate the French as a concept. Same for the British, the Dutch, Spaniards, Belgians, Germans, Russians, Israelis, Chineses, etc etc all the way down the list of opressors both historic and modern. While yes, a nice little Thanos snap of all those evil peoples would leave the world massively underpopulated, I have faith that the desirables that are left would figure out repopulation no problem.
Optimistic of you to believe that humans learn from mistakes. Id thought we’d all come to the conclusion that colonizing ethnostates were bad, but Israel didn’t seem to get the memo. I thought we were done with nazi appeasement but then we have Jill and Joe old money taking nice pictures with the dictator elect. I even thought once upon a time that electric cars might make a dent in the fight for the climate, but then I saw what a lithium mine looks like. Nothing matters to humanity except how greedy they can be without being rejected from society at large.
Both was a bad choice. Should have gone with “simultaneously”. It means something you need to do AND are avoiding doing it.