• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • It’s two fold.

    One is quality of care. I was in a program that technically offered DBT. In a month’s worth of daily sessions (25 hours a week), we got two worksheets that introduced a couple of DBT concepts. Each was discussed for 50 minutes and then never spoken of again. I can count on one finger the number of therapists I’ve had that did active CBT work. And I hadn’t even heard of ACT until recently - one of the group facilitators in the program I’m attending brought it in as a passion project. The information is good but he’s struggling with the group dynamic.

    The other is, it’s not that insurance doesn’t cover the techniques, it’s that providers may or may not work with the insurance your employer chose. At my last job, 75% of the in-network list in like a 25 mile radius comprised of one organization that was basically a pill mill with a raft of overwhelmed social workers. It was maddening. And the only options were pay out the ass for out of network, or get a new job and hope it wasn’t more of the same.

    The US “health” “care” system no longer exists. Nobody in the pyramid cares about your health except for maybe your doctor. And there’s only so much they can do. It’s purely a “medical services industry,” whose sole purpose extracting profits from misery.

    Hail corporate. 🫥

  • I appreciate all of the discourse. But I would like to clarify that the OP clearly states that one’s Smash main is how they are in the sheets. As someone who does not play Smash, that means I do not exist in the sheets. Whatever the proper terminology is, fair is fair, and I accept my fate.

    …just as long as everyone knows that IRL I have lots and lots of sex sometimes. With actual people. Sometimes more than one. This is all very true and I totally would not lie on the internet.

  • Hello fellow sufferer.

    Not quite the same on my end but it ended up in the same place. When I started there were already two instances running (one for the parent company and one at my location, which had gotten acquired). Maybe a hundred nodes all together, and our job was just responding to alerts in a mostly out of the box setup. Then my boss got sick of trying to work around limitations of that setup and demanded admin access so our team could at least make adjustments. Which eventually turned into me being asked to add nodes, which turned into me being the primary administrator. Which was actually pretty sweet for a bit because I got to learn a lot, both about the software and the company. Finally convinced management to merge the two installations rather than rely on that EOC garbage.

    Then the acquisitions started rolling in.

    By the time I walked out there were 2000+ nodes in a dozen locations, and it was still just me and somehow still just a side job.

    Orion has its faults but after migrating so many acquisitions from a handful of other platforms I still prefer it. Everything seems like it’s optimized for small installations and/or specific platforms. When shit gets that big you need a team to run it properly. Which is why I’m allowed to say “Solarwinds” in my house, but guests are asked to leave if they mention the C-suite as anything but sociopathic leeches.