But … why? That totally not how the EU membership process works?
But … why? That totally not how the EU membership process works?
That would be great. Currently you’re kind of fucked when it comes to customers rights: Amazon, but also nearly every other “platform” like eBay is full of chinese sellers. You order something and if their product burns down your house or harms you, you’re fucked. Or the seller is one of those dropshipping get richt quick idiots that is basically acting as fall guy for pushing unsafe products into Europe. If your house burns down, well, he is fucked, too.
It would be trivially easy to create an automoderator bot for that.
It’s not about redemption or something like that. EU membership is a process and open to all european countries. If UK wants to join again, we don’t need an apology from the population.
(and, by the way: 2016 was 9 years ago. With a life expectancy of 78 years and a voting age of 18 a bigger part of those who voted for Brexit have already died. No one under 27 was even able to vote. The migrant population also had no vote here)
A modest proposal: If a majority of 51,89% for and 48,11% against was enough to push through with Brexit, maybe 55% vs. 30% should also be a clear votum to start talking about a new EU membership.
You’re right. I’m not from the USA and I’m not living paycheck-to-paycheck, but having ~6 months of expenses as savings is manageable. That depends on your situation, income, number of children, of course. Will be problematic when you’re earning in the lower income brackets, but for most people that should be a little bit under 10.000€ here in Germany.
I think he’s talking about the one which fueled the genocide in Myanmar.
Be careful here: There is no reason for film companies to not attack Lemmy like that.
After everything Matt has been doing in the last months, I’m totally not excited to see anything he backs or pushes.
There are a lot and in most cases you’ll notice when dealing with Americans, who are refusing to do stuff like the rest of the world. The meter and kilogram took over from hundreds of different measurement standards. Most of the world is using the same calendar and writes dates in the same way. Most countries are driving on the same side. Traffic signs are kind of the same worldwide. You can buy screws with the same standard everywhere.
It’s actually quite simple - not sure how it does work under the hood, but take a look at your documents. Every insurance, employer or company has its own letterhead with logo, contact information and legalese. You just tell paperless on one document “hey, that is my insurance, please tag everything like this as insurance” and it will do that.
Fuck the whole conflict. Nobody will fucking solve the conflict by posting on the internet, but we are getting so many idiots spouting propaganda, misinformation and utter nonsense. Nothing good will come out of discussing this over 100 year old clusterfuck of a conflict online and nothing good will come from pushing a shit agenda into Wikipedia. The best way to deal with it is to just ignore everything about it.
NodeBB has added ActivityPub federation today. So that should work
Germany alone is importing around 85-100 billion Euros of fossil fuels every year. That is a lot of money and a lot of that money is going to american oil barons. It makes sense that they are trying to sabotage our efforts to be climate neutral, because they really don’t want us producing our own energy on our roofs or with wind turbines on local hills. Me having solar on my roof is a nightmare for some billionaire in Texas, some Saudi sheik or that guy in the Kreml.
This makes sense - Tesla is overvaluated in comparison to other car manufacturers. Musk has created a really big image problem. The Cybertruck is a disaster that really makes you wonder if their priorities are right. Chinese car companies are starting to flood the market. The Semi truck is not going anywhere. It’s a really bad spot for a company that is valuated more than all of its biggest competitors to be in.
Since every language seems to be dropping percentage-wise: What is the market Steam is growing so much in? India?