Being on the spectrum does not put the onus of communication on the partner, and I say that as someone decidedly on the spectrum. It’s still a partnership that requires all players to participate fully.
Being on the spectrum does not put the onus of communication on the partner, and I say that as someone decidedly on the spectrum. It’s still a partnership that requires all players to participate fully.
Hasn’t this been in the works for like 5 years
Don’t think anyone has ever really disagreed on this
We actually have hundreds of photos of Earth from space and more than a few astronauts that make it a full-time hobby to photograph our little blue marble. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation (two actually) for why those photos look fake, and while far more mundane, it doesn’t require the application of any ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Explanation Uno: There isn’t anything in space like a pesky atmosphere to get the way of the camera lens and create distortions and imperfections. The result is images that look a little too crisp, a little too clean, and a little too colorful. They don’t look like the ‘normal’ images we are used to, so our brains tell us it’s wrong or fake. It’s called the uncanny valley, which is typically applied to images of people but it’s relevant to anything that breaks our normal just a little.
Explanation Zwei: The images are actually fake, or rather they are false color images. Pictures are great, but it’s kinda hard to do a lot of science if all one ever does is look at the visible color spectrum, so we also take pictures in other spectrums like infrared, radio, or ultraviolet. However, since our pathetic human eyes can’t see those wavelengths, we have to recolor them to something we can see in the visible light range (hot things are colored blue, cold things are colored red, etc.). It’s not lying, it’s just better science.
There are plenty of things in this world actually worth being concerned about, especially right now, but if none of this convinced you, let me ask you this; Why? Why would anyone fake every single photo of Earth ever taken from space? Why (or more importantly, how) would literally everyone agree to lie about going to space?
Sounds like its time to completely flood Reddit with ‘bannable’ content