Jared Henderson put out a pretty good vlog about this a few days ago, worth checking out.
Jared Henderson put out a pretty good vlog about this a few days ago, worth checking out.
I’ve seen people with dwarfism that do look like they could be teenagers when they are already adults. I know it sucks for OP but I’d rather cops do this than let potential abuses slide. Doesn’t seem like OP was very inconvenienced by this tbh other than being uncomfortable with the situation which is understandable.
That’s what I’m saying. Let the Zuck cook.
You can but you won’t win unless you can prove anything, so good luck with that.
The situation you describe is different and actually proves my point because Mr. Dahmer, presumably lives in a nation, and in that nation in which he lives there must be some form of state or organization that is imposing that law. Even if he disagrees they can impose the law on him through some form of force. He can run, he can fight, but the organization is bigger and thus more powerful than him and as such can make him follow the law or force him to face the consequences. See also why billionaires may be above the law in some places: they are individually richer and more powerful than the organization that would hold them accountable.
On the international level, if a group of nations declare that invading other countries is a crime but 1 of them disagrees and starts an invasion, the crime can only be punished by force, ie war. You could impose penalties on them too, which is a type of force or power, but look at Russia to see how effective they are.
It’s meaningless unless everyone is in on it, willing to be held to it and willing to go to war to enforce whatever ethical standards have been agreed. It’s pure theater.
And I didn’t know that it was a choice between international law and meddling in the lives of individuals.
Here’s the thing, even when we had order international law was a joke. The only reason laws work within a country is because the state can hold you accountable through violence if necessary. For a country or group of countries to be able to enforce their laws on other countries is through war. If you are not willing to go to war, you should not be engaging in this theater.,
International law is such a fucking joke. Why do they even bother with this performative bs? Stop wasting money on this nonsense.
I don’t think so, I mean two things can be true at the same time but to me it sounds to his negotiating tactics. It’s frankly disgusting that he use this as a bargaining chip to do this but it seems like it might motivate Jordan/Egypt to lend humanitarian aid to rebuild Gaza to keep them out instead of the US covering all of it. Of course it should be Israel paying but that’s a long shot.
How is this even a thing? Is a bank run considered collusion? If the platform no longer offers the audience I want to reach then I should be able to stop advertising on it. It just happens that the audience of may companies at once left the company. Who is even entertaining this lawsuit?
I just don’t think life by itself has any value, nor that death in itself is tragic. Life for me is valuable so much as you have the ability to enjoy it, and I think it to be the same for all sentient beings. But the reality is we are all interlinked and dependent on one another, we need to eat one another to survive. And so I don’t believe that animals dying is a tragedy in itself, I think an animal living in agony and then dying painfully is the real tragedy. We can eat them but we should have them live like kings before we eat them, in honor of their sacrifice.
Are you gonna eat all those metric tons of corn that are produced to feed the cows? Because I sure as fuck won’t.
I understand your argument but I think that it is just one way of looking at it and it is still more focused on human welfare rather than sentient life form welfare. Because of that I think the scale of meat production and the treatment is the problem. In a perfect society people would buy a cow to eat per year per 2 people in the household and we would have far more human treatment of a sentient species and they could be afforded good lives and painless deaths.
Life by itself has no value, what is valuable is to what extent that life can be enjoyed.
Yes, I’d just hate that people kind of forget that any war is inherently a human tragedy often not perpetuated by those fighting it.
Well it is a little bit sad, they are still human beings. They have no control over where they were born and they are in a system that effectively makes it impossible for them to rebel while at the same time making it impossible for any one else to free them. It’s all around sad.
Puertorican here. You should know that Dominicans are not necessarily well liked here, so people don’t care as much as you’d think.
Vegans and vegetarians are not often more healthy than meat eaters. In fact a lot of them subsist mostly on junk food and ultra processed shit.
I dunno about their morals. For me it depends on whether they are opposed to meat because they think it’s murder (absurd notion: see op) or because they opposed the treatment of living animals in industrial meat farms, which is the real issue.
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I use pages and keynotes actually, I just really really don’t like numbers. I used it for a while and I really couldn’t get used to it.
I did not know this. Will give it a try. Are formulas the same as in Excel? I really can’t be bothered to learn new formulas again and I need it to be 100% compatible with people working with office.
Frogs being based as always.