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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Oh I understand those far-right “others” just fine. They’re all the abusive partners, parents and bullys we’ve all known. The ones who will torture their own family members for doing something, anything, without their unpredictable stamp of approval. The ones who eagerly twist and lie and manipulate people to get what they want, saying vapid shit about “empathy and understanding” that they have no intention of following themselves.

    The Republican party is indefensible and by extension, so are those that support them, from Fox News all the way down to fuckstains at the local bar. They’ve made themselves a shining beacon for the worst people in America and I’m comfortable writing every single one of them off.

    Because if they were actually capable of empathy, understanding or reasonable discourse, they wouldn’t be far-right in the first place.

  • Isn’t it cool how many red flags he managed to sneak into that one sentence?

    The fact that he used the word “clandestine” makes it sound like he convinced himself she must have a secret dildo she was using to destroy her genitals, because a 13 year old boy told him that’s how vaginas work and he never grew out of it.

    It’s really easy to imagine him being the problem. He decides she has a secret horse dildo hidden away somewhere, accuses her of it repeatedly and when she tells him to fuck off, decides she is “cluster b” for having reasonable reactions.

    4chan will not help this person.

  • Did anybody say admins aren’t entitled to block stuff

    His “defederation bad (except pedos)” isn’t exactly wet with support for blocking instances for spam and extremism.

    User just wanted a system to see everything and block what they didn’t want.

    That system exists. It’s the “run your own server” that I explicitly mentioned. But let’s be honest, he doesn’t want that system (which again, he already has) for himself, he wants it for everyone else.

    It’s the same bullshit that “free speech absolutists” push in every single thread about defederation – admins should be hands off and users should dig through through slurs, racism, homophobia looking for content worth engaging with.

    It benefits exactly one group of people but apparently doesn’t set off your “bad-faith” radar.

  • Safe storage penalizes victims for being stolen from

    Good. If you didn’t take reasonable steps to secure your firearms, your negligence armed criminals. Guns are already an exception to “dangerous things must be properly secured” thanks to crybaby gun owners.

    Oh and don’t waste your breath with a “B-B-B-But LockPickingLawyer opened this gun safe with his flaccid cock” because that’s not even close to an insurmountable problem.

    a tax to stop those dirty poors from having guns

    You’re using poor people as a human shield. You’ve never advocated giving people guns as a form of welfare and realistically a gun is one of the last things those “dirty poors” need.

    You’re a simp for a multi-billion industry that funds the very worst Republicans and puts profits before lives. You don’t have a leg to stand on.

    glove compartments are necessary

    Sounds like we know where you leave your gun. It’s grossly negligent and absolutely your fault. Either leave your gun at home (where I’m guessing it’s just as poorly secured) or don’t go to places that don’t want you.

    Well it is if they’ve been charged with something. Oh so “no criminal record,” shocker Illegal

    Laws that are a complete failure, which the pro-gun community opposes all changes to, including better enforcement.

    Illegal if you’re a prohibited possessor

    Consequences for other people. The “responsible gun owner” making the private sale gets away with selling a gun to a dangerous person. If we only charged underage people for buying alcohol (and not the person who supplied them), there would be zero expectation of those laws working.

    And even with all that, publishing a list is still stupid

    Yet again, not actually a thing I advocated, just something I mocked your reaction to. Let’s hope for your families sake you’re not so easily confused when you hear a bump in the night.

    I put nobody in danger

    Another worthless promise from a gun owner. Whatever minimal vetting you’ve been through is demonstrably not enough to ensure gun owners aren’t a danger. You cleared the same low bar as the people shooting at children who rang their doorbell or used their driveway to turn around.

    If we reduce you to a statistic, it’s even more bullshitty. Every person in your household is at a greater risk of domestic homicide and suicide.

    it’s your stupid ideas on guns

    Are you still throwing a tantrum about an idea I didn’t suggest or supoort, or are you just assuming all of my opinions based on what the gun lobby have told you I believe?

    Your laws have failed America. It’s 20 years past when “responsible gun owners” should have actually taken some responsibility.

  • You really need to get your feelings out about this don’t you? The world must no your opinion, even the people who aren’t actually advocating it.

    Anyway, your feelings are bullshit. The pro-gun community routinely opposes safe storage laws and are happy to leave guns in glove compartments and closets. Not that the black market is required to arm criminals, given how easy it is to pass a background check, straw purchase or buy privately but again, the pro-gun community opposes reforms to combat all of that.

    So whatever the fuck “The consequences are the people’s who commit the crime, not the gun owning populace as a whole who has not? Yes” is supposed to mean, it’s clear that you’re only upset that you would be in danger, since you put other people in danger all the time.