Hey now, I just said anthro planes, YOU brought porn into it.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
Hey now, I just said anthro planes, YOU brought porn into it.
Nothing says “we are a free and open community that welcomes others” like moderators banning discussion of poor moderation.
Yes, I do understand what the rule is there for. No that doesn’t make it any less hilariously shitty.
hider to wear all black clothing and be small.
Now I’m imagining a chibi style anthropomorphic plane wearing all black clothes trying to be sneaky.
You did this to me.
Oh well the answer is obvious, as Ellen Mosque once said, no plane is actually a stealth plane because cameras can still see them, so canards obviously don’t make a difference!
I came here for certified noncredibility, not verifiable facts.
I say “trap” but I don’t kill anything, and they don’t die.
It’s just a sacrificial post I keep near the wood I want them to leave alone.
They’re alive and well in their 2x4s
I don’t understand why everyone in the aviation community seems to hate canards and atthis point in too afraid to ask why…
I usually have to make carpenter bee traps/lures so they leave the exposed wood around my property alone. They’re going to collapse the porch at this rate.
The traps are basically just sections of 2x4 with little starter holes drilled here and there. Idk why but the chonkers seem to like those more.
So far, no traps this year.
I haven’t even seen any hornets or daubers
There’s a guy I know of who keeps bees, and while there are some people nearby who get pissy at him every time they see a bee, most people love how well all the flowers and gardens grow nearby and understand why they do.
This past year I went to someone’s house nearby and their tree was blooming, but didn’t look nearly as good as usual. And then I noticed I couldn’t hear any bees.
When that tree has flowers, it’s filled with so many bees you can hear it buzzing from the road about 300m away.
Now silence.
I haven’t seen a bee around where I live in over a year. And I’m outside a lot in the spring and summer. Usually I get a few buzzing over me when I’m out in my hammock, but I have yet to hear one this year. I’m hoping they’re just “sleeping in” a bit but I fear I already know the truth…
It’s people.
When someone informs him it’s named after a person he will demand that this domestic terrorist be brought in for impeachment and deported, not understanding why none of that makes sense
we’re very far from that.
As usual, the only thing keeping humanity back is… Humanity.
Petty differences and ancient squabbles that turn deadly over the years has turned humanity into crabs scuttling around a bucket.
We have the capability to feed, house, and clothe everyone on the planet. We have the capability of electrifying every industry on earth.
The only things keeping us from doing so are “it’s expensive” or “the logistics are too complex”
All of which sounds to me like children whining “it’s too haaaaaard” when told to clean their room.
By no means am I saying you are wrong, we are very far from all that. It’s just our own fault.
A few years ago I purged my face book profile with a script that edited every post with lorem ipsum, and then deleted the content.
It was embarrassing seeing posts from 10-15 years ago. Jesus christ I was an idiot. I still am, but I was then too. (thanks mitch)
In 2022 I did the same to my reddit account.
Same reaction.
Although it was interesting to see my comments go backwards from “burn the system to the ground” to “we need to make a compromise and reach across the aisle” and then from “all religions should be allowed to die” to “Yay Jesus”
Like I said, I was a big dum
Oh god I would hate to see my YouTube comment history from my first account…
The original comment was removed but I’m guessing the poster was trying to say the US is some scheming puppeteer of foreign countries to make this happen?
LMAO I could have believed that around 2005.
You could have even swung that convincingly in 2010.
This administration wouldn’t know what a puppet IS without the hand shoved up their asses drawing some pictures for them. They are the puppets. Half of them have an education in name only, their diplomas and degrees were paid for by status or money. Their positions secured through ass kissing and the ability to say “yes master whatever you wish”
You are spot on with your assessment of the military industrial complex. In my youth I enlisted, and it’s an entirely different beast from the inside. Simultaneously more and less coordinated than you thought, just in different areas. Day-to-day sure things might get fucked up, a clerical error makes comical goofs and endless maintenance delays… But once “war were declared” then I have never seen anything that moves in coordination more smoothly except literal machines.
Even with a group of idiots at the wheel, they aren’t the ones with boots on the ground. They aren’t the ones coordinating the logistics. If they decided to go to war, I would HOPE enough of the military would refuse to cooperate that any efforts fail before they get off the ground. I would have absolutely gone AWOL if the administration declared war on an EU nation. Not only do I have friends there, I know enough about them to know if we’re fighting, they aren’t the ones who started it.
I can only hope that the people in the military now would just decline any orders to invade a foreign country based on trade bullshit from an orange blob.
All that said, if they DID decide to start shit, I fully believe the EU is capable of defending its home from invasion, if not just blitzkrieg-era bombardment.
You could stop the armies, but not the navies.
Yes, but since the offending country 1: has nuclear weapons and B- keeps saying “whoopsie didn’t mean to pinky promise” everyone just throws up their hands and says “well they claim it was an accident so just bump the sanctions 2% and call it a day” rather than the literal acts of war that they would be in any other context.
It’s like watching what’s happened in the US happen on a global scale.
We all know things are being smashed on purpose with the intention of making life difficult for other people, yet nobody is doing a goddamn thing to stop it.
And just like in the US, I’m sure there are plenty who would absolutely love to row out and try to stop it themselves but a large ship is just gonna steamroll a small one. I would love to row out and start some shit with the ships cutting cables. But by myself, I’m getting crushed without a second thought, and tons of people will watch on and go “well what did they expect all by themselves they should have gone out in force as a group if they wanted to really put a stop to it. Now I gotta go post a Facebook update saying I stand in solidarity with the cable”
I’ll let the readers sort out this metaphor.
“just doing my job” isn’t really relevant when your job is literally destroying democracy to assist a fascist neo-nazi regime
Yes, quitting “in protest” is an option, but why do that when you can just collect a paycheck and be a shitty as possible at your job until you get fired?
“oh sure thing boss I’ll get right on this deletion thing” 6 days of fucking around on the fediverse later, websites still unchanged “oh yeah I’m working on it, top priority!”
I get fear of retribution if they figure out you’re doing it on purpose to sabotage efforts but like… How many people are actually bothering?
I can’t imagine someone in the firing squad trying to say “I was just doing my job”, it’s not the same thing as the guy working in the lunchroom. The only difference in my opinion is the firing squad kills people and the guy at the computer kills information, democracy, morality, common sense etc…
You can’t say you were just doing your job when your job is “destroy this information”
Yes, it’s “just a small part” but even the Great Wall of China is made of smaller bricks/slabs. The whole can’t exist without the separate pieces.
I’m a little rambly, apologies. I hope I’ve made a coherent point.
People in these comments act like the computer will just stop working.
You first.
But seriously, it gets annoying, but at the same time it’s the biggest scam on the fediverse right now that I know of. So I feel like a little visibility once in awhile (not 6 times a day) that lets people know about it is fine.
To anyone who knows: is there a way to filter out usernames containing that name? Like if I could block dms from my chosen instance, that’d be great. I’ve been getting 2-3 a week.
Exactly what I was thinking.
When you’re cut off from any help, you ARE your own help. Don’t wait for something unthinkable to happen, this person has made it clear they don’t respect you or boundaries, and have made threats.
It’s 9v1, if you’re scared just wait until they’re asleep. Kick them out the door, lock it, and they can try walking their happy ass back to civilization. from Antarctica
Don’t bother looking for a body.
Planes? Course not.
Maybe Julian, he’s always dragging me to the holodeck for some world War 1 and 2 dogfights over Europe.
Don’t look at my starship homework folder…