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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I have to make a conscious effort to drink water, and my health requires that I do so. In order to not be dehydrated and sick, I carry a water bottle wherever I go.

    I had a really cool NES water bottle that I loved because it had a push-button flip top. The less effort it takes for me to get to the water, the better! But eventually, the top broke and I begrudgingly had to get another water bottle.

    Got one off Amazon (during lockdowns), and I just always had issues with it. Too big, flip top would come open in my bag sometimes, hard to clean, etc. I finally asked for a water bottle for Christmas as the one thing I wanted, and my SIL came through.

    The flip top is SO easy to clean, the button is great, it has a handle that can flip up & down and doubles as a safety that covers up the button (so no more accidental openings!!), it has a pour spout AND a clever af straw-less sip option built into the top and it is just… so good. She got me a bright orange one, because that was the only color they had in the store at the time, and she was worried I would have preferred a darker, more neutral color. Nope! Turns out, it’s perfect for making sure I don’t constantly lose my water bottle anymore!

    As you can see, I will ramble to anyone who asks about it, because it’s just so damn good.

    I recently realized that it comes in different sizes, too!!

    So anyone in the market for a damn good water bottle, check out the “owala”-brand. It’s extremely inexpensive, great quality, lots of color & size choices, and it’s just great. I swear I’m not a company shill– just a passionate hydro homie.

    Here’s a photo of mine. Yours will not come with stickers. Gotta supply your own. Sorry!

  • They want to know if your views will mesh well with the community they are trying to curate before they let you in.

    I browsed Beehaw for a bit before deciding that it did, and mentioned it in my application.

    I think they’re a bit more choosy now, as I used to see folks spouting things like “can you not use the word ‘minorities’? It shows a bias. You need to address everyone, not give preferential treatment,” or some other dumb horseshit.

    Honestly, I think they just don’t want to have to deal with people saying stupid shit and they’re tired of trying to argue with people who A). genuinely hold stupid, shitty beliefs, or B). are trolling/pretending to be stupid in order to get a reaction.

    More power to them, if that’s the case.

  • My old boss claimed to be a libertarian.

    He would always rant and rave about the government overstepping and forcing people to get the vaccine and wear masks (which never happened, but okay) and then in the next sentence would praise the folks in power who wanted to ban abortions.

    Like… motherfucker, at least be consistent!

    He also scoffed at me because “must be nice to get government money during the pandemic just for having a kid.” I got like 300$. That shithead gladly got a massive business bailout and just smugly read shitty articles and conspiracy theories from with Facebook Q group at work instead of doing his job.

  • Success = hard work.

    Hard work = not lazy.

    Not lazy = good.

    Rich / successful people = good people (unless they’re involved in godless entertainment, of course)

    Not successful = not working hard enough.

    Not working hard enough = lazy.

    Lazy = bad.

    Poor / unsuccessful people = bad people

    They do not think hard enough to see nuance. They just don’t.

    An old friend of mine once ranted to me about how poor women will keep popping out babies to get free government money & food. Like… bitch, do you know how actually difficult it is to get “”“free money”“” from the government? Are you seriously mad that children are being fed? Do you think that poor people fund their “lavish lifestyles” off government funds? BITCH, POOR PEOPLE DON’T DO THAT!!! RICH PEOPLE DO!!!