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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Well, it’s a good thing I live where public transportation and even just straight up walking is not only viable but actually preferable!

    Shame the rest of the country was too busy crying about “freedom” and is about to get rat-fucked as their only viable mode of transportation(as it stands because they have not invested in good cities and towns) more than doubles in price! And oooooh how it will be nice to see the stupid overly large, and overly expensive, crossovers, SUVs, and trucks be the ones to get hit the hardest.

    I wonder which country will be fucked harder.

  • Also “voting with your wallet” only works if you have enough money to make the choice regardless of whether or not those choices exist. I’d love to buy Canadian made products crafted by small businesses for everything I do but sometimes I just can’t afford it. Sometimes I’ll just not buy the thing, of course, but other times it can’t be avoided.

    Conservatives will shit all over someone for complaining and then not “putting their money where their mouth is” but if you buy anything other than the cheapest shit you’re “irresponsible and shouldn’t complain about low wages if you’re gunna buy a brandname bag of chips”. It’s so exhausting.

  • That’s only because a hunk of beef is so large that many unsafe elements can’t penetrate. You trim off the outside and are left with something much safer, so long as it is consumed quickly enough. It is the same reason why you don’t need to freeze tuna, because tuna are fucking huge.

    Also, be careful when grinding meat, or even cutting it, because if you end up with the shit on the outside being pushed into the cuts on the inside then none of it matters and you’re back to square fucked.

  • First, you said “I completely agree with him”. If you do not understand how that might mean we think that means you agree with his rationale then writing your assignments by hand clearly didn’t help you that much.

    But anyway:

    Because sometimes you need to research things for homework? Because the kids with reliable internet will still be able to use it, will use it, and will have an unfair advantage over the kids who don’t have the same level of access(usually because their parents aren’t as well off, perpetuating the cycle of poverty). Even if we decided that every single piece of homework was to be 100% handwritten that wouldn’t make the internet go away and these problems would still persist.

    It’s so much more nuanced than some weak take that doesn’t do much but expose your lack of understanding of the issue. Yes, there are some clear advantages to maybe scaling things back a little but this not the way to do it, not even a little bit.

  • He is literally, outloud, complaining that the reason is because maybe kids who are unsupervised and have access to things are somehow going to have less access(??) to conservative viewpoints. The society he’s so afraid of creating is one where he cannot control children’s access to filtered, conservative-biased media, and since pretty much every conservative talking point is a lie, exaggeration, or manipulated perspective they desperately need to be in control of the flow of information. They’re literally banning paper books, bro.

    Also this is about hotspot use being expanded outside of schools(“off-premises”), but if that comment is your take then maybe reading comprehension isn’t your thing. Guess those paper textbooks didn’t really do anything to help you, either.

    (Literally in the first line it explains that the intention is to help kids without reliable internet get their homework done. He just hates poor people, big surprise.)

  • From my experience they believe that it’s an executive’s right to do shitty things for money if the law allows for it. They also believe that it’s some other person(who generally has it much worse and can’t easily fight back) who is making their lives hard for them.

    A charicature(though not by much) to make my point clear would be: “it’s the immigrants’ fault that my boss needs to deny my raise and dodge their taxes again! It’s regulation’s fault that I can’t afford anything, not my shit wage combined with landlords and real-estate speculators working tirelessly to fuck everyone over! I’d get to work faster if they took out that bike lane! The woke mind virus is why I can’t find a “female”, not my shitty personality that they’re finally able to have the freedom and unity to not put up with anymore!”

  • Age of retirement goes up, working hours stay the same(or sometimes even get worse), wages go down(compared to inflation), and we still only have two measly weekend days. And the real kicker is that we know for a fact that we’d actually be even more productive if we soent less time at work.

    It’s all horseshit.

  • One, like they said that’s not what they meant. Two, work is only goals-based to a point. If I finish my job early then almost in almost any office I don’t get to go home early. I used to get my shit done in half the day and, because I asked and no one would give me more(even when I identified issues I could fix), I would spend the other four hours watching Youtube or browsing the internet.

    The only reward for doing your work faster is getting more work. My roommate was able to move to a four day work-week but had to do so because of burnout and even though they get their shit done the company still only agreed if they could reduce their salary by 20%.

    Automation has also already been here for some time in many forms. Our productivity is higher than it’s ever been thanks to so many wonderful innovations and new technologies and yet we still only have two short days to have a weekend and still have to force our way through an 8hr workday even though every study shows that we cannot be consistently productive on that schedule.

  • Teslas also have some horrific privacy/ownership issues, sub-par build quality, and have regularly locked people inside during fires. They also have shitty door handles that ice over in winter, use software updates as a crutch, and Elon Musk makes other vehicle manufacturer CEOs look like saints.

    Also, you don’t need to buy from all of them. Subaru is a real company that doesn’t do horrific things and actually has proven that they’re honest when they say that infinite growth is not something they chase.

    If the reason you’re afraid to know is because you want to buy stuff and feel good then you have a bigger problem. It’s ok not to know but to essentially refuse to know?

  • I love these people because they are so adamant that working more will help them while every single study shows that people are way more productive when they have rest time. A 4-day work week would shoot his company’s productivity up and actually save money on things like electricity but he’s so far up his own ass that he cannot possibly understand how that could work.

    I do think that the commentor who said he must not have anything outside of work has a point. Like, who on earth is has such a shit life outside of work that they can brainwash themselves into believing that more work is a solution?

    Your friend is a complete idiot, an astounding failure of a human being and even as an emotionless machine.